Padrino's day out
1 year ago by PadrinosDomain in Plain Text
:) Padrino's day out ):
Welcome anon, you're probably not new if you found this, but regardless let's begin. This ebook contains my collection of directories, tools and other items. I'm not 100% sure how big this file will be, however, it is going to be free because if I make any money off of it, it is ILLEGAL. You CAN use it for illegal purposes. However I don't reccomend you do. You doing so would make you take complete accountability, making you suffer in jail crying about how you stole a grandma's credit card information from online and then you get raped in prison. This guide will have categories that I will be labeling as pillars. Once you're done with your dark web internet gangster phase maybe you can get a real job.
[==Pillar I: Identification==]
Online you will need to be able to identify yourself using your username or host. Or you may find yourself in a hairy situation when swatting the guy who killed you too many times in GTA V. So I will have to teach you some easy ways to be able to quickly fake an identity, whilst also providing a few links, apps, and files possibly to help do it on your own.
Firstly, your name is very important. However what is more important is not using your real one. Conjuring up a fake full name is really easy once you get used to it. If you have a lot of friends (which you don't) then it'll be even easier. Think of someone you know in real life's first name, and then someone else's last name. Very good! Now let's say you're on the phone with a mall you're calling a bomb threat to because you're an edgelord. Officer Brown or even Detective Gonzales might not sound offical enough. If you look online you will see a lot of sources saying different answers on badge numbers, ranging from 3 to 5+ digits. However this is easily avoidable by going with the safest option of 4, 4 digits of your badge number to turn a prank call into a felony. Biggest question, how can I think of these numbers so quickly like you Padrino? Discord provides a lot of easy fake badge numbers considering how many people you know probably use it.
But let's say you're going for a different approach. A drug lord like yourself needs to be protected when selling weed to high schoolers! This is where a couple of useful things at the bottom of this pillar will be listed:
[==Pillar II: Security==]
While a fake ID sure is nice, you might actually need to be secure when online. Here's my good buddy [REDACTED at his request] to help you in your time of need! o/
"First, there is no "perfect opsec", just good opsec. From the physical aspect: Using a VPN (paid for with giftcards, over tor, on a network that isn't yours [pref: not one close to you.], macchanger is good, custom DNS is not a terrible idea, nophone > blackphone > everything else, your username should be "user" and your hostname should be "localhost", don't "rice". This is more of a security thing but avoid systemd (The lower the attack vector, the better the security mitigation) and be aware of how permissive Linux is.
Don't put [REDACTED at his request] though. Put "[REDACTED at his request]", it would be harmful to signal boost any of my handles.
Oh thats another good opsec thing: Don't use the same handle/username, just like you shouldn't use the same passwords.
On the flip side of that, don't reveal personal information about yourself under whatever handle you are. And don't mix things up with other handles. If handle A likes chocolate pudding, no one else should know how handles B through Z feel about chocolate pudding. It may be fine, or even preferred, to reveal that handle D likes banana pudding.
This for a few useful commands for gpg:
# Generate a key pair
gpg --full-generate-key
# List pub keys
gpg --list-keys
# List all secret keys
gpg --list-secret-keys
# Export pub key
gpg -a --export KEYID > PUB.asc
# Export secret key
gpg -a --export-secret-key KEYID > SECRET.asc
# List contents of key file without importing it
gpg key.asc
# Import key into current key ring
gpg --import key.asc
# Encrypt file to one recipient
gpg -e -r KEYID file.txt
# Sign and encrypt the file
gpg -s -e -r KEYID file.txt
# Encrypt to multiple recipients
gpg -e -r KEY1 -r KEY2 -r KEY3 file.txt
# Symmetrically encrypt a file using a passphrase
gpg -c file.txt
# Sign without encrypting
gpg -a -s file.txt # Produces file.txt.asc
# Clear signed attached signature
gpg --clear-sign file.txt
# Sign using non-default secret-key.
gpg --default-key KEYID -a -s file.txt
# Verify clearsigned / detached signature
gpg --verify file.txt.asc
# List recipients of an encrypted file
gpg --list-only file.txt
# Decrypt a file
gpg -d file.txt.asc # becomes file.txt
Thank You
Also do you know of any extra tips, i.e should i get tails, which os do you suggest, how to setup a mac changer?
"Well, tails runs systemd but its pretty good otherwise.
The OS would be either Linux or OpenBSD.
macchanger is just easy. Just read the documentation."
[==Pillar III: Preparation==]
Assuming you want to start using tor more frequently you might need a couple extra things to start.
1. BTC or Monero wallet
2. XMPP or Jabber
3. E-Mail
Most of these are really easy. You can get a bitcoin wallet that can buy with card or cash now-a-days really easily, then transfer the funds to a secure Exodus or Electrum wallet followed by sending it to whatever market you're picking. This process is called tumbling so it's harder to find out what your money was used for. A jabber or xmpp account I will attach at the end along with email.
Now we could move on however there is a lot of things people expect/hear/think about when they think of tor. I can confidently say with my 6+ years of knowledge, that I know of these myths and truths.
1. Red rooms, murder and snuff livestreams and videos are everywhere, but not a red room. A red room is described as a live stream snuff film where viewers can pay to interact with the torture session for some viewer and creator relations. This is just not true. People mainly on TikTok may claim they do red rooms, they don't. They might be murderers, they might be whatever, they just simply aren't.
2. Mail order brides, kind of an old one but no. Just another retard on tor fucking with skids. And trust me, there's a lot.
3. Purchasing of organs or carcasses, sadly some people actually believe this. It's funny, but sad.
4. Hitmen, no amount of searching for hitmen on tor will find the victim dead.
1. Firearms, technically yes. A lot of places sell printing templates but I just don't need guns.
2. Markets, only ones you should care about are established.
3. Pedophiles, a lot but most are honey pots, at least in the directories I'm going to be listing. If you "know" of a cp website, you should just test out and see what that quirky "Purchase membership" button does.
4. Honeypots, kinda obvious but what's the best way to get a bunch of dumbass criminals? Hype up in the masses a scary "dark" web and make your own directories.
5. Hackers for hire, most of the websites you've seen probably are just the tip of the iceberg, they're also on the clearnet.
6. Gore, a lot but it's also on the clearnet.
7. Gambling, again, it's also on the clearnet.
8. Chats, some are normal like a p2p, others are full of edgy losers who scare noobs in omegle type chats.
Now I'll list a bunch of common honeypots
1. Pedophilia
2. Laundry
3. Gambling
4. Tumblers
5. Hacker's for hire
6. Hitmen for hire
7. Mock markets
8. Firearms
9. Custom snuff films
10. Red rooms
11. Link directories
12. Free anything
13. Anything with games
Links mentioned:
dan's onion's:
tor taxi:
onion url:
[==Pillar IV: Tor==]
All the things you can do now that you're completely secure! Being secure on tor means you have very good things going for you. What is there to do on tor? Well using one of the many links right above this pillar on directories will let you know. Here's some things to do on tor.
1. Become an addict using something pretty or illegal on one of the many market's,
2. Become worse than a redditor using one or all of the many chan's,
3. Become a cybercriminal on on of the many market's
4. Become tied with the tor community
5. Become a loser that buys CP honeypots
6. Become a retard who buys normal honeyports
Well that's weird, I have opened kilo's and it says the link is wrong, what happened? It has been DDoSed! DDoSing happens a lot to tor website's, why? Because people are fags. A lot of issue's will happen when you use tor. The market is ddosed, an exit scam happens, a market will get raided. But sadly there isn't much to do about it. Unless you want to become a tor market vendor.
(All or most should have onion attached)
[==Pillar V: Vendor==]
Sadly my friend's, I have not personally been a vendor on any tor market. I was going to try for empire, but then they exit scammed while I was in jail. Nevertheless, I do have very good tips for purchasing/being a vendor on tor. On an ama on reddit the owner of atlantis market explained a lot of factors for everything. However one conversation with a user went as follows:
>Office_Zombie:"So how is it possible to get delivery anonymously? i mean, at some point don't you have to give your name and address to the seller? And if they are ever busted and you are in their database as a customer; aren't you know...fucked?
Thanks for the AMA by the way."
>OC:"Some purchasers use fake names to hide their identity, others don't. We have a strict rule where vendors must remove all information about their clients once the parcel has been shipped (e.g from their computer). Also, once the order has been shipped, the address is automatically purged from our database."
>OvidNaso:"Packaging is a big factor in the review and ratings people give about vendors in the drug world. If the vendor is not under surveillance, then your package ships from some unknown city as millions of packages already. USPS will not open package unless there is something extremely fishy. That's why users are so concerned with proper packaging.
You do have to trust that the vendor erases or doesn't keep records, but even then, unless you signed for the package (which you won't have to) the is an extremely small chance it will go beyond that."
From this we can take a few notes, note one is that Atlantis market is full of exit scheme faggot scammers. Note two is that shipping the product is a very tense situation. From a few colleagues I can share some knowledge about said shipping. If you are a buyer there are a few methods you could try, one that my associate used a lot.
He would look around his area for houses that are for sale and ship them to that address so that way the mail belonged to no one. And since you should be using your fake ID this will go along smoothly. Pro's are it's completely anonymous. Con's are less important but there are more. The homeowner's could check the mail, a random middleschooler could, or someone could see you passing by the house and checking the mail and you get busted. But anonymity is far more important.
Another is using a PO box, and since you can't get blamed for what someone sent to your PO box it's a lot safer. Though if you get caught more than once it will raise several eyebrows. Pro's are it belongs to you and have less of a chance of you being at fault. Con's are if you do it enough without anything else showing up, you're probably fucked. So act like a YouTuber and send random packages every now and then to it. Or don't.
You could also go on craigslist and post an ad for using someone's mailbox to receive a package. Make some bullshit up about why you can't use yours. Pro's if they catch anyone it'll be them intead of Officer Brown. Con's is they could just setup a sting if they look inside. Or you know, keep it for themselves.
Finally we have my least favorite method of all, which for some reason is the most popular. Sending it to your own fucking house. Pro's, it's your house I guess, Con's it's still your fucking house.
Now if you're planning on BEING a vendor it's a very different and somehow less needing of security operation. You get your drugs, your dildos, your stolen iphones, your carded items, your laser tag gun, your counterfeit money and prepare it in a parcel. Use the vendor links at the bottom of this pillar to get all the things needed. Once you have your parcel set up you might need some opsec, some basic stuff for drugs would be hiding it in movie cases, empty ps4 boxes with bubble wrap, or really anything. Just get creative, smart and secure. Smarter not harder, seriously they don't care.
Vendor Links:
Cryptostamps: http://lgh3eosuqrrtvwx3s4nurujcqrm53ba5vqsbim5k5ntdpo33qkl7buyd.onion
Darknetstats: <-- (To remind you of your demise as a vendor)
DrugRoutes: http://4h635ssto4t7ryhqyb4z4kax57f7iheoz7gg62ufp7dp6w3j67bjdhyd.onion/
[==Pillar VI: Social==]
I have probably covered most of social in here, considering there isn't much on tor. However I can provide some useful links at the end. Nevertheless, Social skills are still needed online, and when you're on tor you have to realize, this is no longer a little discord packing session with your angry angsty teenager friends hanging out with mentally ill teenage girls. No, no, no! These are real criminals. Commiting at least 3 felonies a day and a misdemeanor everytime they cough! But it's okay my friend. The calmer you are, the less you use discord and lord forgive me the less you use doxbin the more likely you'll encounter rational people. Shy away from the angst of those communities and focus on reality. Why waste your time on discord when you can be in a p2p chatroom that you and your friends set up? Using Daniel's amazing LE-CHAT, which you can get on github at the bottom. You can organize all your criminal activities! Afraid you're being watched on the website? Use E-Mail! Signed up for too many websites? Jabber! Make sure you use Jabber/XMPP applications that accept OMEMO.
Where will you host this LE-CHAT? On your own personal website. Attached at the bottom of this Pillar under "Website Links" and "Social Links" will contain a lot more than just social, but also stuff for being social.
XMPP Links:
Are we OMEMO yet?:
Website Links:
Ablative Hosting: http://hzwjmjimhr7bdmfv2doll4upibt5ojjmpo3pbp5ctwcg37n3hyk7qzid.onion/
OneHost: http://q3lgwxinynjxkor6wghr6hrhlix7fquja3t25phbagqizkpju36fwdyd.onion/
OnionLand Hosting: http://dwebkjkovsjobzrb45dz6prnlifnapiyp2dba33vcmcsaikr2re4d5qd.onion/
Clearnet Onion:
Freedom Hosting: http://fhostingineiwjg6cppciac2bemu42nwsupvvisihnczinok362qfrqd.onion/
Social Links:
Daniel's Chat:
AbleOnion: http://notbumpz34bgbz4yfdigxvd6vzwtxc3zpt5imukgl6bvip2nikdmdaad.onion/
Onion Share:
Runion Forum (ru): http://lwplxqzvmgu43uff.onion/
Image Hosting: http://twlba5j7oo5g4kj5.onion/
Onion Hosting: http://hostingcgcxnxadi.onion/
Protonmail: https://protonmailrmez3lotccipshtkleegetolb73fuirgj7r4o4vfu7ozyd.onion
TorBox Email: http://torbox36ijlcevujx7mjb4oiusvwgvmue7jfn2cvutwa6kl6to3uyqad.onion
DuckDuckGo: https://duckduckgogg42xjoc72x3sjasowoarfbgcmvfimaftt6twagswzczad.onion
Denial of Secrets: http://ddosxlvzzow7scc7egy75gpke54hgbg2frahxzaw6qq5osnzm7wistid.onion
Dread Forum: http://dreadditevelidot.onion/
[==Pillar VII: Conclusion==]
And now as you listen to your pirated music, playing some games on wine with your microphone plugged out. You smile knowing that you're completely safe to live at home with no job, get foodstamps and unemployment, while making thousands from tor. You're not worried about the exit scam that just happened because kilos is always there for you. We love you Kilos, even if you moon me everytime I open up your website and fuck up your captcha because her ass swallows the letters. Be proud you're not a skid. And you smile at the dox someone just leaked of you on doxbin knowing that Detective Gonzales was never real to begin with, and even if they do have it posted. You can just pay kt her jewish little $40 and sleep easy at night knowing that the SWAT team won't be robbing you of your sleep. Goodnight everyone, be safe, be happy, and stay anonymous.
Pirate Bay: http://piratebayo3klnzokct3wt5yyxb2vpebbuyjl7m623iaxmqhsd52coid.onion
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