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What is Web 4.0
Explore the concept of Web 4.0, its innovations, and how it reshapes digital landscapes for a smarter, interconnected future.
Introduction to the Internet and its definitions
Internet is a large system that connects multiple servers and systems of computers, and mobile phones globally. Internet as per its definition is described as “networks of networks” that serve as crucial elements when it comes to communication between two distinct resources in the digital world. The conformations of the internet have always helped to transform day-to-day communication with every aspect that inclines us towards modern living.
World Wide Web is simply in common terms is pile of pages which are interconnected among each other and follow protocols called HTTP for communicating data between servers and clients. The World Wide Web referred to as the Web, is one of the subsets of the Internet that monitors and mediates interaction between users like us and the digital content available dynamically.
With the advancement in technology standards and user behaviour web is evolving and every time with the addition of new features it emerges as the new version. In this article, we will delve into the latest and most intelligent version of the web now i.e. Web 4.0 and consider it as the next evolutionary and significant step in the growth and development of the internet. Web 4.0 is still in the conceptual stage which means it has not yet been released, however, it is believed that the commencement of Web 4.0 could involve building AI tools of advanced level that turn out to be more responsive and intelligent.
History of evolution of Web and its versions
WEB 1.0
WEB 1.0 (Static web): As the name suggests, static web was used to deliver consumer with the content exactly the same as uploaded by the content creator. Later this static character of web got a code name of WEB 1.0 Web 1.0 was a “read-only” web. The basic core for this web was community governance, decentralization of networks, creation and contribution of content for the web.
HTTP, SMTP, FTP, IRC and SMS were the open protocols which made a foundation stone for Web 1.0. These protocols were crucial as anyone can easily work with them and make the content for the web Web 1.0 is the term used to describe the earliest form of the internet which sets the first example of a “global network”, which showed the potential for future digitalisation of Information sharing and communication.
This Web 1.0 was created in 1991 by TIM BERNERS LEE who is an English computer scientist best known for invention of the HTML markup language, the URL system, and HTTP along with WORLD WIDE WEB being his most famous invention. It was known as “static web” or “read only web” as it had no visuals, controls, forms and interactivity. It was all about web pages which are connected to a system with the help of hyperlinks.
In 1993, the web became available to the public and lead to Rapid increase in website that were created.
By Early 1995, over a million websites were available and this growth continued throughout the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Web 2.0
The Creation of most important COOKIE: (HTTP COOKIE) To overcome one of the first limitations of web 1.0, which was being STATELESS.
As discussed earlier, web 1.0 was unable to capture state or user data and could not convey any data related to the user to web developer such as if the end user had previously visited the website or not and it was being difficult for a web developer to know the demographic of the end user, which meant you could not build products or services specifically targeted for your end users.
In first attempt of solving this limitation of capturing state or user data, LOU MONTULLI, a computer programmer came up with the invention of HTTP cookie with which developer can tell if the user had visited a website previously or not.
And, with this invention, now that we were being able to capture user state the Web transitioned into Web 2.0.
Web 2.0 often being referred to as “read and write” web, spans from early 2000s to current period. The the word web 2.0 was first given by DARCY DiNucci, a technology strategist.
WEB 3.0
THE FUTURE The inventor of world wide web TIM LEE, originally called web 3.0 as “semantic web “as it was conceived as a more autonomous, intelligent and open Internet. Web 3.0 is often described as read, write and execute. The open internet, we are talking about would involve AI and ML which would process content like a “global brain” with all data being connected in a way that is contextual and conceptual, but this didn’t work as planned because Tech just wasn’t at the right place.
In web 3.0, users can interact in a decentralized way, but with security. From money to information, all exchanges are conducted without the need of tech companies, banks, or any other middleman so if web 2.0 makes the user a product, web 3.0 makes the user the content owner.
Basically, the goal of web 3.0 is to make the internet more intelligent, personalized and responsive to users need, and to achieve this, Artificial Intelligence and Big Data are being used to create a semantic web that understands the meaning of information on internet and this will allow for more appropriate search result, better recommendation and more personalized experience to the users. The web 3.0 has shown the potential to transform the internet into a much more powerful and useful tool for everyone, from a developer to the end core user. With the help of Web 3.0, it is now possible for devices to interact with each other directly without the need for human intervention.
Difference in Web 4.0 from Web 3.0
Web 3.0 (Semantic Web)
Decentralization: Often termed the “semantic web,” Web 3.0 aims for a more decentralized, open-source, and immersive online experience. It facilitates user participation, content creation, and ownership without dependence on intermediaries.
Blockchain Infrastructure: Web 3.0’s infrastructure relies on the blockchain—a public ledger—allowing trustless interactions among users without reliance on a central authority.
Monetization and Ownership: In contrast to Web 2.0, where platforms profit from user-generated content, Web 3.0 empowers users to monetize their data and retain ownership of their contributions.
Elements: Web 3.0 integrates decentralization, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, virtual reality (AR/VR), and ubiquity.
Web 4.0 (Intelligent Web)
Web 4.0 is way more decentralization and integration with Machines-
It has Higher Decentralization: where Web 4.0 extends decentralization further, aiming for a simpler and more integrated internet connected to human thinking and cognition, without precise definition.
It comprises features of Cerebral Web where Some sources suggest Web 4.0 will be more “cerebral” as it involves deep learning indicating a deeper connection between human minds and the digital realm.
Web 4.0, Mentioned by Elon Musk and Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, Web FOUR, a meme coin, humorously reflects the concept of the next internet iteration. While not directly addressing Web 4.0’s technical aspects, Web four promotes accessible decentralization¹.
Web 3.0 Critique: Musk and Dorsey argue that Web 3.0 lacks true decentralization and primarily serves venture capitalists (VCs), citing ongoing capital concentration issues.
Advancements in features of Web 4.0
In the ever-evolving landscape of the internet, the emergence of Web 4.0 marks a pivotal moment where technology succeed with its previous predecessors and their boundaries, which offer users an unprecedented type of personalization as well as customization. In the Centre of evolution there stays the utility of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms, empowering Web 4.0 to deliver tailored content as per the preferences of users and services with unique and accurate precision. Web 4.0 has its special features to adapt the user that too individual user preferences creating a digital experience that feels uniquely crafted for each user.
Central to the promise of Web 4.0 is its augmented interactivity, which redefines how users engage with digital content and services. Through the integration of immersive technologies such as virtual and augmented reality, Web 4.0 elevates user experiences to new heights, blurring the lines between the digital and physical worlds. This heightened level of interactivity enables users to interact with information and services in ways previously unimaginable, opening doors to innovative and groundbreaking experiences.
In conclusion, Web 4.0 represents a convergence of technologies that hold the potential and strength to shape and transform the future where innovation and creativity are limitless and knows no bounds. By embracing and encouraging creativity, collaboration, and a forward-thinking broad mindset, we can harness the power of Web 4.0 to create a digital landscape where there are endless opportunities and the future will possess a positive change within itself.
Source: https://www.agicent.com/blog/what-is-web-4-0-explained/