"settings": {
"httpServer": {
"enabled": true,
"port": 80
"database": {
"deviceAttributeLogging": [
"deviceId": "*",
"attributeName": "*",
"type": "*",
"interval": "0",
"expire": "7d"
"deviceId": "*",
"attributeName": "*",
"type": "continuous",
"interval": "5min",
"expire": "7d"
"deviceId": "*",
"attributeName": "temperature",
"type": "number",
"expire": "1y"
"deviceId": "*",
"attributeName": "humidity",
"type": "number",
"expire": "1y"
"messageLogging": [
"level": "*",
"tags": [],
"expire": "7d"
"level": "debug",
"tags": [],
"expire": "0"
"authentication": {
"secret": "xxxxxxxxxx"
"httpsServer": {},
"cors": {},
"gui": {}
"plugins": [
"plugin": "cron"
"plugin": "mobile-frontend"
"driverOptions": {
"serialDevice": "/dev/ttyUSB0",
"baudrate": 115200
"enableReceiving": true,
"receiverPin": 0,
"transmitterPin": 8,
"plugin": "homeduino",
"active": true,
"enableDSTSensors": true
"apiKey": "42807e554d2ced958db5ae8351b5d383",
"debug": true,
"plugin": "openweather",
"active": true
"debug": true,
"client_secret": "https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/emilejukn%40gmail.com/private-4ae63cb55e50994323cad7aeb4d309fd/basic.ics",
"plugin": "google-calendar",
"active": true,
"access_token": "",
"refresh_token": ""
"plugin": "charts",
"active": true
"devices": [
"pin": 17,
"id": "k3",
"name": "K3",
"class": "HomeduinoContactSensor"
"pin": 7,
"id": "j3",
"name": "J3",
"class": "HomeduinoSwitch"
"pin": 8,
"id": "j4",
"name": "J4",
"class": "HomeduinoSwitch"
"pin": 15,
"id": "k1",
"name": "K1",
"class": "HomeduinoContactSensor",
"interval": 100
"pin": 3,
"id": "k2",
"name": "K2",
"class": "HomeduinoContactSensor",
"interval": 100
"pin": 14,
"id": "k0",
"name": "K0",
"class": "HomeduinoContactSensor",
"interval": 100
"pin": 5,
"id": "j1",
"name": "J1",
"class": "HomeduinoSwitch"
"pin": 13,
"defaultState": false,
"id": "led",
"name": "led",
"class": "HomeduinoSwitch"
"variables": [
"name": "points",
"expression": "$points",
"type": "number",
"label": "Shots made"
"name": "shots",
"expression": "$shots",
"type": "number",
"label": "Shots taken"
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "pointsview",
"name": "pointsView",
"class": "VariablesDevice"
"variables": [
"name": "score",
"label": "SCORE",
"expression": "$score",
"type": "number",
"min": 0,
"max": 200,
"unit": "",
"showRange": false
"id": "score",
"name": "score",
"class": "GaugeDevice"
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "timer",
"name": "timer",
"class": "Timer"
"variables": [
"name": "Message",
"expression": "$text",
"label": "Message"
"xAttributeOptions": [],
"id": "error",
"name": "Message",
"class": "VariablesDevice"
"subtitle": "Scores",
"height": 200,
"timerange": "3d",
"legend": true,
"allowtrace": true,
"variables": [
"name": "Score",
"expression": "$score",
"type": "number",
"chart": "line",
"dashstyle": "Solid"
"yaxis": [
"label": "",
"unit": ""
"datebuttons": [
"label": "1min",
"count": 1,
"unit": "minute",
"datagrouping": false
"label": "1day",
"count": 1,
"unit": "day",
"datagrouping": false
"label": "ALL",
"count": 0,
"unit": "all",
"datagrouping": false
"id": "scoregraph",
"name": "scoreGraph",
"class": "ChartDevice",
"interval": 10
"variable": "$time",
"type": "number",
"min": 5,
"max": 600,
"step": 5,
"id": "settimer",
"name": "setTimer",
"class": "VariableInputDevice"
"rules": [
"id": "k1on",
"name": "K1ON",
"rule": "when $k1.contact increased and if \"$k1state\" = \"0\" then set $k1state to 1",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k1off",
"name": "K1OFF",
"rule": "when $k1.contact increased and if \"$k1state\" = \"1\" then set $k1state to 0",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k2on",
"name": "K2ON",
"rule": "when $k2.contact increased and if \"$k2state\" = \"0\" then set $k2state to 1",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k2off",
"name": "K2OFF",
"rule": "when $k2.contact increased and if \"$k2state\" = \"1\" then set $k2state to 0",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k3on",
"name": "K3ON",
"rule": "when $k3.contact increased and if \"$k3state\" = \"0\" then set $k3state to 1",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k3off",
"name": "K3OFF",
"rule": "when $k3.contact increased and if \"$k3state\" = \"1\" then set $k3state to 0",
"active": false,
"logging": true
"id": "k0on",
"name": "K0ON",
"rule": "when $k0.contact increased and if \"$k0state\" = \"0\" then set $k0state to 1",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "k0off",
"name": "K0OFF",
"rule": "when $k0.contact increased and if \"$k0state\" = \"1\" then set $k0state to 0",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "points",
"name": "points",
"rule": "when k1 is opened then set $points to $points + 1",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "shots",
"name": "shots",
"rule": "when k2 is opened then set $shots to $shots + 1 and set $text to \"...\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "startgamebutton",
"name": "startGameButton",
"rule": "when \"$k0state\" = \"1\" then turn j1 on and set $score to 0 and set $text to \"...\" and set $points to 0 after 5 seconds and set $shots to 0 after 5 seconds",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "startgame",
"name": "startGame",
"rule": "when j1 is turned on then start the timer after 5 seconds and turn on led after 5 seconds and set $text to \"GAME STARTS IN 5 SECONDS!\" and set $text to \"3..\" after 2 seconds and set $text to \"2..\" after 3 seconds and set $text to \"1..\" after 4 seconds and set $text to \"START!!!\" after 5 seconds",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "endgame",
"name": "endGame",
"rule": "when $timer.time = $time then turn j1 off and turn led off and set $k0state to 0 and set $score to (($points / $shots * 100)+$points) and stop timer and reset timer",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "pointsrestriction",
"name": "pointsRestriction",
"rule": "when $points is greater than $shots then set $points to $points - 1 and set $text to \"Points can't be greater than Shots!\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "scorerestriction",
"name": "scoreRestriction",
"rule": "when $shots is less than $min and $score is greater than 0 then set $score to 0 and set $text to \"Score wasn't calculated. Minimum Shots required is $min!\"",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"id": "setmin",
"name": "setMin",
"rule": "when $time changes then set $min to $time*0.2",
"active": true,
"logging": true
"pages": [
"id": "favourite",
"name": "Favourites",
"devices": []
"id": "projektas",
"name": "PROJEKTAS",
"devices": [
"deviceId": "k1"
"deviceId": "led"
"deviceId": "k2"
"deviceId": "settimer"
"deviceId": "k0"
"deviceId": "timer"
"deviceId": "j1"
"deviceId": "pointsview"
"deviceId": "score"
"deviceId": "error"
"deviceId": "scoregraph"
"groups": [],
"users": [
"username": "admin",
"password": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"role": "admin"
"roles": [
"name": "admin",
"permissions": {
"pages": "write",
"rules": "write",
"variables": "write",
"messages": "write",
"events": "write",
"devices": "write",
"groups": "write",
"plugins": "write",
"updates": "write",
"database": "write",
"config": "write",
"controlDevices": true,
"restart": true
"variables": [
"name": "k1state",
"value": 1
"name": "k2state",
"value": 0
"name": "k3state",
"value": 0
"name": "k0state",
"value": 0
"name": "points",
"value": 2
"name": "shots",
"value": 2
"name": "score",
"value": 0
"name": "text",
"value": "Score wasn't calculated. Minimum Shots required is 6!"
"name": "time",
"value": 30
"name": "min",
"value": 6