3 years ago in Plain Text
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var re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})");
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return value;
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<!-- sentry -->
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var sentry_public_dsn = 'https://8b53dad5bec24da5b87b63c2a9b425e4@sentry.io/102049';
if (sentry_public_dsn) {
var isNotValidBrowser = false
if (bowser) {
var browser = bowser.getParser(window.navigator.userAgent);
isNotValidBrowser = browser.satisfies({
safari: "<10",
chrome: "<64",
firefox: "<58",
edge: "<14",
"internet explorer": "<11",
"android browser": "<4.2",
customFilterIntegration = {
name: 'customFilter',
setupOnce: function () {
var shouldDropEvent = this.shouldDropEvent;
Sentry.addGlobalEventProcessor(function (event) {
if (shouldDropEvent(event)) {
return null;
return event;
shouldDropEvent: function (event) {
if (isNotValidBrowser) {
return true;
var sendErrorMessageToHTML5Studio = true;
var tmpRavenObj = jQuery.extend({}, event, {breadcrumbs: null, extra: null});
var dataString = JSON.stringify(tmpRavenObj);
// Filter info logs from console
if (event.logger === 'console'){
var allowedLevels = ['error', 'warning'];
if (allowedLevels.indexOf(event.level) === -1) {
return true;
// Filters WebSocket warnings from Pusher, which are legitimate
if(event.level === 'warning') {
if (dataString.match(/.*Pusher.*WebSocketError.*(1006|4201){1}.*/) !== null
|| dataString.match(/.*Pusher.*WebSocketError.*WebSocketError.*WebSocketError.*/) !== null) {
return true;
// filter strange error from client's extensions
if (dataString.match(/.*\/affs\?addonname=.*&affid=.*|.*http:\/\/offerz4u\.utop\.it\/.*|.*v=opt_[0-9]+&partner=.*channel=.*/) !== null) {
return true;
// filter error messages to send to HTML5 studio
if (dataString.match(/Facebook Pixel Error:/) !== null) {
sendErrorMessageToHTML5Studio = false;
if (sendErrorMessageToHTML5Studio) {
var powtoonSentryEventData = {
error: event,
type: 'internal-error-reported'
var powtoonSentryEvent = new CustomEvent('powtoon-events', {'detail': powtoonSentryEventData});
return false;
Sentry.onLoad(function () {
dsn: sentry_public_dsn,
integrations: [customFilterIntegration],
environment: 'prod',
release: '101.0',
// Check if gut
fetchContext: true,
//we currently use 5.15,0 (we need to update to current 5.19.2)
//Prior to version 5.17.0, allowUrls and denyUrls were called whitelistUrls and blacklistUrls respectively.
// however, they will be removed in version 6.0.
blacklistUrls: [
// Chrome extensions
// Walkme
// Wistia
Sentry.captureBreadcrumb = Sentry.addBreadcrumb
Sentry.configureScope(function (scope) {
id: '27270884',
username: '1antoinejes1',
email: '1antoinejes@hdsb.ca',
is_authenticated: 'true'
<!-- End sentry -->
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cookieValue = decodeURIComponent(cookie.substring(name.length + 1));
return cookieValue;
var dataLayer = [{"bi visitor id": "zKsiItAuXQtjxI2ooXrH3"}, {"user": {"id": "27270884", "verified": "Null", "signup_source": "Google", "user_profile": "Other", "date_joined_powtoon": "2019-12-11 19:52:26.703519", "date_joined_powtoon_day": "11", "date_joined_powtoon_month": "12", "date_joined_powtoon_year": "2019", "signup_country": "Canada", "job_title": "None", "job_title_category": "None", "contact_type": "free", "classroom_user": "False", "current_license": "Free", "billing_subscription": "False", "partners_user": "None", "submission_source": "", "signup_form": "", "signup_template": "None", "signup_vertical": "None", "signup_video": "None", "mvt_number": "884", "affiliate": "None", "fortune_user": "None", "powtoon_enterprise_domain": "None", "exports_left": "0", "renewal_date": "None", "free_trial_start": "None", "free_trial_end": "None", "utm_tof": "False", "utm_source": "email", "utm_medium": "", "last_purchase_plan": "None", "last_purchase_date": "None", "customer_type": "EDU", "billing_cycle": "None "}}];
var confirm_email_once = false;
var login_once = false;
if (confirm_email_once) {
conversion: "Signup",
debug: {
"timestamp": "2020-08-24T01:41:25.794867",
"confirm_once_source": ""
else if (login_once) {
event: "Login",
<!-- Google Tag Manager -->
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function encodeObjectToUrl(data) {
return Object.keys(data).map(function(k) {
return encodeURIComponent(k) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[k]);
//Pixel tracking
function trackEventByPixel(category, action, opt_label, value, extra_data_obj) {
var url="https://trek.powtoon.com/" + "event.gif";
var data = {};
data['u'] = "27270884";
data['i'] = "zKsiItAuXQtjxI2ooXrH3";
if (category) data['c'] = category;
if (action) data['a'] = action;
if (opt_label) data['l'] = opt_label;
if (value) data['v'] = value;
if (extra_data_obj) {
if (extra_data_obj.powtoonId) {
data['p'] = extra_data_obj.powtoonId;
delete extra_data_obj.powtoonId; // BI-team requested to avoid sending powtoonId inside extra_data
data['d'] = JSON.stringify(extra_data_obj);
if (window.powtoon_ui_session_manager) {
var ui_session_id = window.powtoon_ui_session_manager.getSessionId();
if (ui_session_id) data['s'] = ui_session_id;
// field for preventing cache
data['_pc'] = Date.now();
(new Image()).src = url + "?" + encodeObjectToUrl(data)
return true
function trackPageViewByPixel(page) {
var url="https://trek.powtoon.com/" + "page.gif";
var data = {};
data['u'] = "27270884";
data['i'] = "zKsiItAuXQtjxI2ooXrH3";
data['p'] = page || document.location.pathname
if (window.powtoon_ui_session_manager) {
var ui_session_id = window.powtoon_ui_session_manager.getSessionId();
if (ui_session_id) data['s'] = ui_session_id;
if (document.referrer) data['r'] = document.referrer;
(new Image()).src = url + "?" + encodeObjectToUrl(data)
return true
function trackSocialEventByPixel(network, target, param) {
var url = "https://trek.powtoon.com/" + "social.gif";
var data = {}
data['u'] = "27270884";
data['i'] = "zKsiItAuXQtjxI2ooXrH3";
if (network) data['n'] = network;
if (target) data['t'] = target;
if (param) data['p'] = param;
// field for preventing cache
data['_pc'] = Date.now();
(new Image()).src = url + "?" + encodeObjectToUrl(data)
return true
function sendGAEvent(category, action, opt_label, value) {
if(typeof ga === "function") {
if (value) {
ga('send', 'event', category, action, opt_label, value);
} else if (opt_label) {
ga('send', 'event', category, action, opt_label);
} else {
ga('send', 'event', category, action);
return true;
} else {
return false;
function sendGAEventWithRetries(category, action, opt_label, value, nRetries, delay) {
if (nRetries < 0 || delay < 0) {
Sentry.captureException(new Error('sendGAEventWithRetries function was called with illegal params - nRetries=' + nRetries + ', delay=' + delay));
// Try to report event...
const result = sendGAEvent(category, action, opt_label, value);
if (!result) {
// reporting failed
if (nRetries > 0) {
setTimeout(function() {
sendGAEventWithRetries(category, action, opt_label, value, nRetries-1, delay);
}, delay);
} else {
Sentry.captureException(new Error('GA function is not loaded properly (after retries)'));
// Google analytics
function trackEventByParams(category, action, opt_label, value, extra_data_obj) {
// Track event by 4 params used only for google analytics
sendGAEventWithRetries(category, action, opt_label, value, 2, 1000);
trackEventByPixel(category, action, opt_label, value, extra_data_obj);
// wrapper function for backward compatibility
function trackEventByParamsOnlyGA(category, action, opt_label, value) {
return trackEventByParams(category, action, opt_label, value);
// track pageviews
function trackPageView(page) {
if (typeof ga === "undefined") {
new Error('GA function is not loaded properly')
if (page)
ga('send', 'pageview', page);
ga('send', 'pageview');
function trackSocialEvent(network, target, param) {
if(typeof ga === "undefined")
if (param)
ga('social', network, target, param)
ga('social', network, target)
trackSocialEventByPixel(network, target, param)
function trackEvent(data) {
// this function used to track to woopra,
// i leave it only to prevent JS error should a reference to it be missed,
// from CMS for example
function trackSocial(social_network){
// this function used to track to woopra,
// i leave it only to prevent JS error should a reference to it be missed,
// from CMS for example
function trackVirtualPageView(page) {
'event': 'VP ' + page,
'virtual page': page
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23.27 2.21 22.89 2.21 22.81 2.21 22.73 2.22 22.65 2.24 22.65 2.24 21.83 2.48 21.83 2.48 21.83 2.48 21 5.63 21 5.63 21 5.63 24.27 4.69 24.27 4.69ZM 17.79 6.54C 17.79 6.54 18.62 3.39 18.62 3.39 18.62 3.39 15.54 4.27 15.54 4.27 15.54 4.27 14.71 7.42 14.71 7.42 14.71 7.42 17.79 6.54 17.79 6.54ZM 11.5 8.33C 11.5 8.33 12.34 5.18 12.34 5.18 12.34 5.18 9.25 6.06 9.25 6.06 9.25 6.06 8.42 9.21 8.42 9.21 8.42 9.21 11.5 8.33 11.5 8.33ZM 3.47 7.71C 3 7.84 2.73 8.32 2.87 8.79 2.87 8.79 3.4 10.64 3.4 10.64 3.4 10.64 5.22 10.12 5.22 10.12 5.22 10.12 6.05 6.97 6.05 6.97 6.05 6.97 3.47 7.71 3.47 7.71ZM 3 13C 3 13 3 27 3 27 3 27.48 3.52 28 4 28 4 28 24 28 24 28 24.48 28 25 27.48 25 27 25 27 25 13 25 13 25 13 3 13 3 13ZM 19 24C 19 24 9 24 9 24 8.45 24 8 23.55 8 23 8 22.45 8.45 22 9 22 9 22 19 22 19 22 19.55 22 20 22.45 20 23 20 23.55 19.55 24 19 24ZM 19 19C 19 19 9 19 9 19 8.45 19 8 18.55 8 18 8 17.45 8.45 17 9 17 9 17 19 17 19 17 19.55 17 20 17.45 20 18 20 18.55 19.55 19 19 19ZM 1 13C 0.98 13.08 1 12.91 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8.27 8 2.57 8 2.57 8 2.3 8 2.07 7.78 2.07 7.5 2.07 7.5 2.07 7.34 2.07 7.34 2.07 7.07 2.3 6.84 2.57 6.84Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-biz_crown" y="809.306" width="10" height="8"></use><symbol style="enable-background:new 0 0 21 27.7" id="svg-icon-blur" viewBox="0 0 21 27.7"><title>blur</title><path d="M10.5,27.7C4.7,27.7,0,23.1,0,17.3C0,12.2,7.4,2.6,8.9,0.7c0.7-0.9,2.1-1,3-0.2c0.1,0.1,0.2,0.1,0.2,0.2 C13.6,2.6,21,12.2,21,17.3C20.9,23.1,16.3,27.7,10.5,27.7z M10.5,2C7.4,5.9,2,13.6,2,17.3c0,4.7,3.8,8.4,8.4,8.4 c4.7,0,8.4-3.8,8.4-8.4C18.9,13.6,13.6,5.9,10.5,2z M10.5,22.7c-0.6,0-1-0.4-1-1s0.4-1,1-1c1.9,0,3.4-1.5,3.4-3.4c0-0.6,0.4-1,1-1 s1,0.4,1,1C15.9,20.3,13.5,22.7,10.5,22.7z" style="fill:#424f61"></path></symbol><use style="enable-background:new 0 0 21 27.7" xlink:href="#svg-icon-blur" y="817.306" width="21" height="27.7"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-bold" viewBox="0 0 19.6 24.4"><title>bold</title><path fill="#444F61" 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13.58 18.06 13.76 17.58 13.94 17.32 13.82 17.14 13.73 16.84 13.59 17.28 13.33 16.57 13.24 15.1 13.65 14.86 13.44 14.73 13.37 14.59 13.26 15.17 12.96 13.05 12.88 12.57 13.61 11.91 13.68 11.87 13.69 11.32 13.86 11.82 13.15 10.97 13.3 11.11 13.59 10.52 13.76 9.56 14.03 9.18 13.05 9.18 13.05 9.15 11.36 8.63 3.06 1.44-0-0.67 6.64 4.9 13.47 5.37 14.07 5.84 14.67 6.14 15.8 6.22 17.32 6.27 18.22 6.27 18.87 6.07 19.59 6.03 19.73 5.97 19.9 5.92 20.09 5.21 20 3.51 19.99 2.43 21.65 3.56 20.85 4.91 20.56 5.75 20.77 5.72 20.95 5.7 21.13 5.69 21.32 4.86 21.34 3.54 21.62 2.7 23.04 3.69 22.32 4.82 21.92 5.74 21.99 5.76 22.07 5.78 22.14 5.81 22.22 5.31 22.49 4.83 22.93 4.47 23.62 4.97 23.21 5.51 22.9 6.05 22.69 6.07 22.72 6.08 22.74 6.1 22.77 6.9 23.79 9.61 26.22 13.99 26.01 18.37 26.22 21.08 23.79 21.88 22.77 21.9 22.74 21.92 22.72 21.93 22.69 22.47 22.9 23.01 23.21 23.51 23.62 23.15 22.93 22.67 22.49 22.18 22.22 22.2 22.14 22.22 22.07 22.24 21.99 23.17 21.92 24.3 22.32 25.28 23.04 24.45 21.62 23.12 21.34 22.29 21.32 22.29 21.13 22.26 20.95 22.23 20.77 23.08 20.56 24.42 20.85 25.55 21.65 24.47 19.99 22.78 20 22.06 20.09 22.01 19.9 21.95 19.73 21.92 19.59 21.72 18.87 21.71 18.22 21.76 17.32 21.85 15.8 22.14 14.67 22.61 14.07Z" fill="#41A4F4"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-bunny" y="880.006" width="27" height="26"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-camera_down" viewBox="0 0 33 27"><title>camera_down</title><path d="M 31.96 1.8C 31.96 1.8 25.19 9.24 25.19 9.24 24.26 10.29 22.14 11 20.46 11 20.46 11 18.26 11 18.26 11 18.26 11 18.26 8 18.26 8 18.26 6.34 16.89 5 15.21 5 13.54 5 12.17 6.34 12.17 8 12.17 8 12.17 11 12.17 11 12.17 11 2.2 11 2.2 11 0.52 11-0.08 10.29 0.85 9.24 0.85 9.24 7.61 1.8 7.61 1.8 8.55 0.75 10.67-0 12.35-0 12.35-0 30.6-0 30.6-0 32.28-0 32.89 0.75 31.96 1.8ZM 11.04 20.29C 11.04 20.29 14.38 23.58 14.38 23.58 14.38 23.58 14.38 8 14.38 8 14.38 7.45 14.83 7 15.39 7 15.95 7 16.4 7.45 16.4 8 16.4 8 16.4 23.58 16.4 23.58 16.4 23.58 19.74 20.29 19.74 20.29 19.94 20.09 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20.46 27 20.46 27 2.2 27 2.2 27 0.52 27-0.08 26.29 0.85 25.25 0.85 25.25 7.61 17.8 7.61 17.8 8.55 16.76 10.67 16 12.35 16 12.35 16 14.04 16 14.04 16 14.04 16 14.04 19 14.04 19 14.04 20.66 15.4 22 17.08 22 18.76 22 20.12 20.66 20.12 19 20.12 19 20.12 16 20.12 16 20.12 16 30.6 16 30.6 16 32.28 16 32.89 16.76 31.96 17.8ZM 22.49 7C 22.23 7 21.97 6.91 21.77 6.71 21.77 6.71 18.43 3.42 18.43 3.42 18.43 3.42 18.43 19 18.43 19 18.43 19.55 17.98 20 17.42 20 16.86 20 16.4 19.55 16.4 19 16.4 19 16.4 3.42 16.4 3.42 16.4 3.42 13.06 6.71 13.06 6.71 12.67 7.1 12.03 7.1 11.63 6.71 11.23 6.32 11.23 5.69 11.63 5.3 11.63 5.3 16.7 0.3 16.7 0.3 16.75 0.25 16.8 0.21 16.86 0.17 16.88 0.16 16.91 0.15 16.93 0.13 16.96 0.12 17 0.1 17.03 0.08 17.06 0.07 17.1 0.06 17.13 0.05 17.16 0.04 17.19 0.03 17.22 0.03 17.35-0 17.49-0 17.62 0.03 17.65 0.03 17.68 0.04 17.7 0.05 17.74 0.06 17.77 0.07 17.81 0.08 17.84 0.1 17.87 0.12 17.91 0.13 17.93 0.15 17.96 0.16 17.98 0.17 18.04 0.21 18.09 0.25 18.14 0.3 18.14 0.3 23.21 5.3 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9.02 21.91 7.02 21.91 7.02 21.91 7.02 24.75 7.02 24.75 7.02ZM 7.68 9.02C 7.68 9.02 9.71 7.02 9.71 7.02 9.71 7.02 14.37 7.02 14.37 7.02 14.37 7.02 12.34 9.02 12.34 9.02 12.34 9.02 7.68 9.02 7.68 9.02ZM 20.47 7.02C 20.47 7.02 18.44 9.02 18.44 9.02 18.44 9.02 13.78 9.02 13.78 9.02 13.78 9.02 15.81 7.02 15.81 7.02 15.81 7.02 20.47 7.02 20.47 7.02ZM 24.75 10.02C 24.75 10.02 25.28 10.02 25.28 10.02 25.28 10.02 25.28 20.5 25.28 20.5 25.28 20.78 25.54 21 25.25 21 25.25 21 1.88 21 1.88 21 1.6 21 0.89 20.78 0.89 20.5 0.89 20.5 0.89 10.02 0.89 10.02 0.89 10.02 2.38 10.02 2.38 10.02 2.38 10.02 24.75 10.02 24.75 10.02Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-clipboard" y="1123.006" width="26" height="21"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-close" viewBox="0 0 27 28" class="svg-sprite-colorable"><title>close</title><path d="M 18.69 14.76C 18.54 14.61 18.54 14.36 18.69 14.21 18.69 14.21 25.99 6.89 25.99 6.89 27.33 5.55 27.33 3.37 25.99 2.02 25.99 2.02 25.94 1.97 25.94 1.97 24.6 0.63 22.42 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3.13 14.87 1.69 16.31 1.69 18.08ZM 4.92 1.7C 3.15 1.7 1.72 3.13 1.72 4.89 1.72 6.65 3.15 8.09 4.92 8.09 6.68 8.09 8.12 6.65 8.12 4.89 8.12 3.13 6.68 1.7 4.92 1.7Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-cut" y="1287.906" width="25" height="23"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-dash" viewBox="0 0 24 23"><title>dash</title><path d="M11.1 1.1l3.026 6.316L21.1 8.468l-5 4.868 1.184 6.842-6.184-3.289-6.184 3.29L6.1 13.337l-5-4.868 6.842-1.053z" data-name="Path 3324" transform="translate(1.035 1.174)" style="fill:none!important;stroke:#fff;stroke-miterlimit:10;stroke-width:2px"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-dash" y="1310.906" width="33" height="30"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-delete" viewBox="0 0 20 23"><title>delete</title><path d="M 19 6C 19 6 18 6 18 6 18 6 18 19.26 18 19.26 18 21.1 16.55 23 14.55 23 14.55 23 5.45 23 5.45 23 3.45 23 2 21.1 2 19.26 2 19.26 2 6 2 6 2 6 1 6 1 6 0.5 6 0 5.46 0 5 0 4.54 0.5 4 1 4 1 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 1.58 5 1.58 5 1.06 5.79-0 6.36-0 6.36-0 13.64-0 13.64-0 14.21-0 15 1.06 15 1.58 15 1.58 15 4 15 4 15 4 17 4 17 4 17 4 19 4 19 4 19.5 4 20 4.54 20 5 20 5.46 19.5 6 19 6ZM 13 2C 13 2 7 2 7 2 7 2 7 4 7 4 7 4 13 4 13 4 13 4 13 2 13 2ZM 16 6C 16 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 19.26 4 19.26 4 20.18 4.45 21.17 5.45 21.17 5.45 21.17 14.55 21.17 14.55 21.17 15.55 21.17 16 20.18 16 19.26 16 19.26 16 6 16 6ZM 13 18.35C 12.5 18.35 12 17.98 12 17.52 12 17.52 12 9.3 12 9.3 12 8.84 12.5 8.47 13 8.47 13.5 8.47 14 8.84 14 9.3 14 9.3 14 17.52 14 17.52 14 17.98 13.5 18.35 13 18.35ZM 10 18.35C 9.5 18.35 9 17.98 9 17.52 9 17.52 9 9.3 9 9.3 9 8.84 9.5 8.47 10 8.47 10.5 8.47 11 8.84 11 9.3 11 9.3 11 17.52 11 17.52 11 17.98 10.5 18.35 10 18.35ZM 7 18.35C 6.5 18.35 6 17.98 6 17.52 6 17.52 6 9.3 6 9.3 6 8.84 6.5 8.47 7 8.47 7.5 8.47 8 8.84 8 9.3 8 9.3 8 17.52 8 17.52 8 17.98 7.5 18.35 7 18.35Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-delete" y="1340.906" width="20" height="23"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-dropbox" viewBox="0 0 25 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30.93 17.16 30.74 16.97 30.64 16.79 30.64 16.53 30.64 16.27 30.74 16.06 30.93 15.86 31.32 15.47 31.94 15.49 32.33 15.88 32.33 15.88 35.3 19.6 35.3 19.6 35.34 19.64 35.38 19.69 35.42 19.75 35.44 19.77 35.45 19.8 35.46 19.83 35.48 19.86 35.5 19.89 35.51 19.92 35.53 19.95 35.53 19.99 35.54 20.02 35.55 20.05 35.56 20.08 35.57 20.11 35.59 20.24 35.59 20.37 35.57 20.5 35.56 20.53 35.55 20.55 35.54 20.58ZM 30.58 11.03C 30.58 11.03 29.73 8.23 29.73 8.23 29.73 8.23 26.95 7.37 26.95 7.37 26.95 7.37 29.73 6.51 29.73 6.51 29.73 6.51 30.58 3.71 30.58 3.71 30.58 3.71 31.43 6.51 31.43 6.51 31.43 6.51 34.2 7.37 34.2 7.37 34.2 7.37 31.43 8.23 31.43 8.23 31.43 8.23 30.58 11.03 30.58 11.03ZM 25.76 3.05C 25.76 3.05 25.45 1.83 25.45 1.83 25.45 1.83 24.3 1.52 24.3 1.52 24.3 1.52 25.45 1.15 25.45 1.15 25.45 1.15 25.76-0.01 25.76-0.01 25.76-0.01 26.13 1.15 26.13 1.15 26.13 1.15 27.28 1.52 27.28 1.52 27.28 1.52 26.13 1.83 26.13 1.83 26.13 1.83 25.76 3.05 25.76 3.05ZM 20.86 7.91C 20.86 7.91 20.33 5.86 20.33 5.86 20.33 5.86 18.39 5.33 18.39 5.33 18.39 5.33 20.33 4.7 20.33 4.7 20.33 4.7 20.86 2.74 20.86 2.74 20.86 2.74 21.48 4.7 21.48 4.7 21.48 4.7 23.42 5.33 23.42 5.33 23.42 5.33 21.48 5.86 21.48 5.86 21.48 5.86 20.86 7.91 20.86 7.91ZM 28.26 15.34C 28.26 15.34 28.26 17.02 28.26 17.02 28.26 17.02 26.28 17.02 26.28 17.02 26.28 17.02 26.28 15.34 26.28 15.34 26.28 14.61 25.69 14.02 24.97 14.02 24.97 14.02 10.77 14.02 10.77 14.02 10.12 14.02 9.6 14.52 9.51 15.16 9.51 15.16 8.6 14.24 8.6 14.24 8.4 14.04 8.17 13.88 7.92 13.74 8.48 12.72 9.54 12.03 10.77 12.03 10.77 12.03 24.97 12.03 24.97 12.03 26.78 12.03 28.26 13.51 28.26 15.34ZM 9.71 19.75C 9.73 19.77 9.74 19.8 9.76 19.83 9.77 19.86 9.79 19.89 9.8 19.92 9.82 19.95 9.83 19.99 9.83 20.02 9.84 20.05 9.86 20.08 9.86 20.11 9.88 20.24 9.88 20.37 9.86 20.5 9.85 20.53 9.84 20.55 9.83 20.58 9.83 20.62 9.82 20.65 9.8 20.68 9.79 20.72 9.77 20.75 9.75 20.78 9.74 20.8 9.73 20.83 9.71 20.86 9.68 20.91 9.64 20.96 9.59 21.01 9.59 21.01 6.62 24.71 6.62 24.71 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6.25 26.47ZM 11.44 11.54C 11.44 11.54 11.44 11.52 11.44 11.52 11.44 11.52 11.44 11.52 11.44 11.52 11.44 11.52 11.45 11.55 11.45 11.55 11.45 11.55 11.46 11.55 11.46 11.55 11.46 11.55 17.27 18.6 17.27 18.6 17.27 18.6 20.33 22.31 20.33 22.31 19.09 23.47 17.68 24.44 16.13 25.17 16.13 25.17 14.45 20.29 14.45 20.29 14.45 20.29 11.45 11.56 11.45 11.56 11.45 11.56 13.07 20.65 13.07 20.65 13.07 20.65 14.02 26.01 14.02 26.01 12.49 26.49 10.86 26.75 9.17 26.75 9.02 26.75 8.88 26.73 8.73 26.73 8.73 26.73 9.81 20.66 9.81 20.66 9.81 20.66 11.44 11.54 11.44 11.54Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-fan_down" y="1989.737" width="26" height="27"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-fan_up" viewBox="0 0 26 25"><title>fan_up</title><path d="M 25.26 11.84C 25.74 13.37 26 15 26 16.69 26 16.83 25.98 16.98 25.98 17.12 25.98 17.12 19.91 16.04 19.91 16.04 19.91 16.04 10.77 14.42 10.77 14.42 10.77 14.42 10.75 14.41 10.75 14.41 10.75 14.41 10.75 14.41 10.75 14.41 10.75 14.41 10.78 14.41 10.78 14.41 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3.16 3.18 3.54 3.18 3.54 3.18 5.75 3.18 5.75 3.18 5.75 3.18 5.75 15.5 5.75 15.5 5.75 15.87 5.6 16.24 5.32 16.52 5.03 16.8 4.65 16.95 4.28 16.95 4.28 16.95 2.7 16.95 2.7 16.95 2.7 16.95 2.7 18.99 2.7 18.99 2.7 18.99 13.28 18.99 13.28 18.99 13.28 18.99 13.28 16.95 13.28 16.95 13.28 16.95 11.71 16.95 11.71 16.95 11.33 16.95 10.96 16.8 10.67 16.52 10.38 16.24 10.24 15.87 10.24 15.5 10.24 15.5 10.24 3.18 10.24 3.18 10.24 3.18 12.45 3.18 12.45 3.18 12.82 3.18 13.2 3.32 13.49 3.6 13.77 3.88 13.92 4.26 13.92 4.63 13.92 4.63 13.92 6.22 13.92 6.22 13.92 6.22 16 6.22 16 6.22 16 6.22 16-0.01 16-0.01 16-0.01-0.01-0.01-0.01-0.01Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-font" y="2156.937" width="16" height="19"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-gifs" viewBox="0 0 32 20"><title>giphy</title><path d="M28,2a2,2,0,0,1,2,2V16a2,2,0,0,1-2,2H4a2,2,0,0,1-2-2V4A2,2,0,0,1,4,2H28m0-2H4A4,4,0,0,0,0,4V16a4,4,0,0,0,4,4H28a4,4,0,0,0,4-4V4a4,4,0,0,0-4-4Z"></path><path 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10.89 12.97 12.82 12.97 12.82 12.97 12.82 11.03 13.66 11.03 13.66ZM 12.87 15.12C 12.87 15.12 13.71 17.07 13.71 17.07 13.71 17.07 13.71 17.11 13.71 17.11 13.71 17.11 13.71 21.14 13.71 21.14 13.71 21.14 13.71 28 13.71 28 13.71 28 6.85 21.17 6.85 21.17 6.85 21.17 6.85 14.34 6.85 14.34 6.85 14.34 11.03 14.34 11.03 14.34 11.03 14.34 12.87 15.12 12.87 15.12Z" fill="#41A4F4"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-google_photos" y="2216.937" width="28" height="28"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-graphs" viewBox="0 0 36 17"><title>graphs</title><path d="M 35 15C 35 15 33 15 33 15 33 15 33 2.47 33 2.47 33 1.11 31.89 0 30.53 0 30.53 0 29.49 0 29.49 0 28.12 0 27 1.12 27 2.49 27 2.49 27 15 27 15 27 15 25 15 25 15 25 15 25 8.79 25 8.79 25 7.75 23.96 7 22.53 7 22.53 7 21.49 7 21.49 7 20.05 7 19 7.75 19 8.8 19 8.8 19 15 19 15 19 15 17 15 17 15 17 15 17 4.28 17 4.28 17 3.02 15.89 2 14.53 2 14.53 2 13.49 2 13.49 2 12.12 2 11 3.03 11 4.29 11 4.29 11 15 11 15 11 15 9 15 9 15 9 15 9 10.59 9 10.59 9 9.64 8.01 9 6.53 9 6.53 9 5.49 9 5.49 9 4 9 3 9.64 3 10.6 3 10.6 3 15 3 15 3 15 1 15 1 15 0.45 15 0 15.45 0 16 0 16.55 0.45 17 1 17 1 17 4 17 4 17 4 17 8 17 8 17 8 17 12 17 12 17 12 17 16 17 16 17 16 17 20 17 20 17 20 17 24 17 24 17 24 17 28 17 28 17 28 17 32 17 32 17 32 17 35 17 35 17 35.55 17 36 16.55 36 16 36 15.45 35.55 15 35 15ZM 5 15C 5 15 5 11.05 5 11.05 5.12 11.02 5.29 11 5.49 11 5.49 11 6.53 11 6.53 11 6.72 11 6.88 11.02 7 11.04 7 11.04 7 15 7 15 7 15 5 15 5 15ZM 13 15C 13 15 13 4.29 13 4.29 13 4.17 13.19 4 13.49 4 13.49 4 14.53 4 14.53 4 14.81 4 15 4.17 15 4.28 15 4.28 15 15 15 15 15 15 13 15 13 15ZM 21 15C 21 15 21 9.08 21 9.08 21.1 9.04 21.27 9 21.49 9 21.49 9 22.53 9 22.53 9 22.74 9 22.9 9.04 23 9.07 23 9.07 23 15 23 15 23 15 21 15 21 15ZM 29 15C 29 15 29 2.49 29 2.49 29 2.22 29.22 2 29.49 2 29.49 2 30.53 2 30.53 2 30.79 2 31 2.21 31 2.47 31 2.47 31 15 31 15 31 15 29 15 29 15Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-graphs" y="2244.937" width="36" 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9.38 21 7.74 21 7.74 21 4.41 21 4.41 21 1.79 21 0 18.87 0 16.25 0 16.25 0 6.25 0 6.25 0 5.56 0.31 5 1 5 1.69 5 2 5.56 2 6.25 2 6.25 2 10.75 2 10.75 2 10.89 2.36 11 2.5 11 2.64 11 3 10.89 3 10.75 3 10.75 3 3.25 3 3.25 3 2.56 3.31 2 4 2 4.69 2 5 2.56 5 3.25 5 3.25 5 9.25 5 9.25 5 9.39 5.36 9.5 5.5 9.5 5.64 9.5 6 9.39 6 9.25 6 9.25 6 1.25 6 1.25 6 0.56 6.31 0 7 0 7.69 0 8 0.56 8 1.25 8 1.25 8 9.25 8 9.25 8 9.39 8.36 9.5 8.5 9.5 8.64 9.5 9 9.39 9 9.25 9 9.25 9 3.25 9 3.25 9 2.56 9.31 2 10 2 10.69 2 11 2.56 11 3.25 11 3.25 11 13.25 11 13.25 11 13.35 11.14 13.45 11.24 13.48 11.34 13.52 11.49 13.49 11.56 13.41 11.56 13.41 14.23 10.31 14.23 10.31 14.39 10.17 14.61 10.11 14.82 10.11 15.07 10.11 15.32 10.2 15.51 10.39 15.84 10.71 15.89 11.23 15.62 11.61 15.58 11.69 13.45 16.13 11.75 18.79Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-hands" y="2261.937" width="36" height="21"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-help_center" viewBox="0 0 25 25"><title>help_center</title><path d="M 20.99 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43.93 24.34 44 24.42 44 25 44 25 44 32 44 32 44 32.57 43.92 32.96 43.42 33.25ZM 42 26C 42 26 40.44 27.13 40.44 27.13 40.13 27.3 39.75 27.3 39.45 27.13 39.14 26.95 39 26.35 39 26 39 26 39.02 24.02 39 24 39 24 30 24 30 24 28.9 24 29 24.92 29 25 29 25 29 32 29 32 28.99 32.43 29.02 33 30 33 30 33 39 33 39 33 38.99 33.01 39 31 39 31 39 30.65 39.14 30.35 39.45 30.17 39.75 29.99 40.13 30 40.44 30.17 40.44 30.17 42 31 42 31 42 31 42 26 42 26Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-media-folder" y="2638.864" width="33" height="30"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-media" viewBox="0 0 33 29"><title>media</title><path 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17.02 27.87 17.02 27.87 17.02 27.87 17.7 27.87 17.7 27.87 17.7 27.87 21.87 23.69 21.87 23.69 21.87 23.69 21.87 23.01 21.87 23.01ZM 9 17.96C 9 17.4 9.44 16.96 9.99 16.96 9.99 16.96 18.95 16.96 18.95 16.96 19.5 16.96 19.94 17.4 19.94 17.96 19.94 18.51 19.5 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 18.95 9.99 18.95 9.99 18.95 9.44 18.95 9 18.51 9 17.96ZM 18.95 14.96C 18.95 14.96 9.99 14.96 9.99 14.96 9.44 14.96 9 14.51 9 13.96 9 13.41 9.44 12.97 9.99 12.97 9.99 12.97 18.95 12.97 18.95 12.97 19.5 12.97 19.94 13.41 19.94 13.96 19.94 14.51 19.5 14.96 18.95 14.96Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-paste" y="3110.014" width="24" height="30"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-pause_big" viewBox="0 0 21 28"><title>pause_big</title><path d="M 19 28C 19 28 15 28 15 28 13.9 28 13 27.1 13 26 13 26 13 2 13 2 13 0.9 13.9 0 15 0 15 0 19 0 19 0 20.1 0 21 0.9 21 2 21 2 21 26 21 26 21 27.1 20.1 28 19 28ZM 6 28C 6 28 2 28 2 28 0.9 28 0 27.1 0 26 0 26 0 2 0 2 0 0.9 0.9 0 2 0 2 0 6 0 6 0 7.1 0 8 0.9 8 2 8 2 8 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11.41 4.38ZM 2.46 8C 2.32 8.13 2.32 8.35 2.46 8.48 2.59 8.62 2.81 8.62 2.94 8.48 2.94 8.48 7.79 3.64 7.79 3.64 7.79 3.64 8.76 4.61 8.76 4.61 8.76 4.61 3.91 9.46 3.91 9.46 3.77 9.59 3.77 9.81 3.91 9.94 4.04 10.08 4.26 10.08 4.39 9.94 4.39 9.94 9.24 5.1 9.24 5.1 9.24 5.1 9.96 5.83 9.96 5.83 9.96 5.83 4.8 10.98 4.8 10.98 4.73 11.05 4.65 11.1 4.56 11.14 4.56 11.14 2.49 11.92 2.49 11.92 2.49 11.92 0.48 9.89 0.48 9.89 0.48 9.89 1.27 7.82 1.27 7.82 1.3 7.73 1.35 7.65 1.42 7.58 1.42 7.58 6.58 2.43 6.58 2.43 6.58 2.43 7.31 3.16 7.31 3.16 7.31 3.16 2.46 8 2.46 8ZM 1.37 12.34C 0.98 12.49 0.56 12.4 0.28 12.11-0.01 11.82-0.1 11.4 0.05 11.02 0.05 11.02 0.21 10.6 0.21 10.6 0.21 10.6 1.79 12.19 1.79 12.19 1.79 12.19 1.37 12.34 1.37 12.34Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-pencil" y="3199.014" width="12" height="13"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-person" viewBox="0 0 53 55"><title>person</title><path d="M 3.02 55C 3 54.59 2.98 54.17 2.98 53.75 2.98 40.85 13.52 30.36 26.47 30.36 39.42 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12.94 23.07 13.03 23.05 13.09 22.97 13.14 22.73 13.38 20.2 14.32 18.73 15.14 17.43 15.87 16.29 16.44 15.39 16.44 13.86 16.44 10.7 13.8 8.12 10.56 8.12ZM 11 10.97C 9.06 10.97 7.47 12.53 7.47 14.46 7.47 14.94 7.08 15.34 6.59 15.34 6.1 15.34 5.7 14.94 5.7 14.46 5.7 11.57 8.08 9.22 11 9.22 11.49 9.22 11.89 9.61 11.89 10.09 11.89 10.57 11.49 10.97 11 10.97ZM 10.56 3.58C 10.07 3.58 9.68 3.19 9.68 2.7 9.68 2.7 9.68 0.87 9.68 0.87 9.68 0.39 10.07-0 10.56-0 11.05-0 11.44 0.39 11.44 0.87 11.44 0.87 11.44 2.7 11.44 2.7 11.44 3.19 11.05 3.58 10.56 3.58ZM 2.17 6.78C 1.95 6.78 1.72 6.69 1.55 6.52 1.55 6.52 0.24 5.23 0.24 5.23-0.1 4.88-0.1 4.33 0.24 3.99 0.59 3.65 1.15 3.65 1.49 3.99 1.49 3.99 2.8 5.28 2.8 5.28 3.14 5.63 3.14 6.18 2.8 6.52 2.63 6.69 2.4 6.78 2.17 6.78ZM 7.97 26C 7.97 26 13 26 13 26 13.28 26 14.02 25.97 14.01 26 13.84 26.87 13.47 27.71 12.8 28.32 12.52 29.31 11.6 30 10.56 30 9.51 30 8.6 29.31 8.31 28.32 7.65 27.71 6.96 26.89 6.96 26 6.96 26 7.69 26 7.97 26Z" 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11.03 8.02 11.03 7.04 11.03 7.04 11.03 6.63 10.36 5.77 10.03 6.06 10.03 6.06 7.25 8.49 7.25 8.49 6.94 8.77 6.94 9.22 7.25 9.5 7.25 9.5 10.03 11.94 10.03 11.94 10.36 12.23 11.03 11.37 11.03 10.96 11.03 10.96 11.03 9.98 11.03 9.98 11.03 9.72 11.74 9.98 12.03 9.98 12.03 9.98 16.03 9.98 16.03 9.98Z" fill="#414F61"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-ratio-wide" y="3693.014" width="28" height="18"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-ratio-youtube-example" viewBox="0 0 20 14"><title>ratio-youtube-example</title><path d="M 16.94 0.7C 12.57 0.34 7.79 0.34 3.41 0.7 2.04 0.88 1.01 1.85 0.75 3.29 0.44 5.79 0.44 8.63 0.75 11.13 1.01 12.57 2.04 13.54 3.41 13.72 7.79 14.08 12.57 14.08 16.94 13.72 18.31 13.54 19.34 12.57 19.61 11.13 19.92 8.63 19.92 5.79 19.61 3.29 19.34 1.85 18.31 0.88 16.94 0.7ZM 8.78 9.97C 8.78 9.97 8.78 4.45 8.78 4.45 8.78 4.45 13.42 7.21 13.42 7.21 13.42 7.21 8.78 9.97 8.78 9.97Z" fill="#6B7784"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-ratio-youtube-example" y="3711.014" 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41.64 52.94 39.14 55.93 39.14 58.93 39.14 61.37 41.64 61.37 44.71 61.37 44.71 61.37 53.77 61.37 53.77 61.37 56.84 58.93 59.34 55.93 59.34ZM 59.39 44.71C 59.39 42.75 57.84 41.16 55.93 41.16 54.02 41.16 52.47 42.75 52.47 44.71 52.47 44.71 52.47 53.77 52.47 53.77 52.47 55.73 54.02 57.32 55.93 57.32 57.84 57.32 59.39 55.73 59.39 53.77 59.39 53.77 59.39 44.71 59.39 44.71Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-record-image" y="3725.014" width="110" height="111"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-redo" viewBox="0 0 25 19" class="svg-sprite-colorable"><title>redo</title><path d="M 15.36 19C 15.78 19 16.2 18.84 16.53 18.53 16.53 18.53 24.2 11.27 24.2 11.27 24.71 10.78 25.01 10.09 25 9.37 24.99 8.66 24.69 7.97 24.17 7.49 24.17 7.49 16.51 0.46 16.51 0.46 15.99-0.01 15.28-0.13 14.65 0.16 14.02 0.45 13.63 1.06 13.63 1.77 13.63 1.77 13.63 4.07 13.63 4.07 13.63 4.39 13.35 4.69 13.02 4.72 8.58 5.15 2.86 8.06 0.12 14.95-0.17 15.69 0.08 16.52 0.71 16.97 1.36 17.43 2.21 17.37 2.79 16.83 5.04 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10.49 16 11.61 16 13 16 14.38 17.13 15.51 18.52 15.51 19.91 15.51 21.04 14.38 21.04 13 21.04 11.61 19.91 10.49 18.52 10.49ZM 9.37 18C 9.37 18 7.93 18 7.93 18 7.93 18 7.61 18 7.61 18 7.61 18 5.73 18 5.73 18 5.51 18 4.84 18 4.81 18.94 4.82 19.31 4.95 20 5.73 20 5.73 20 14.17 20 14.17 20 14.45 20 14.69 20.22 14.69 20.5 14.69 20.78 14.45 21 14.17 21 14.17 21 5.73 21 5.73 21 4.61 21 3.83 20 3.77 19 3.77 19 3.77 19 3.77 19 3.77 19 3.77 18.85 3.77 18.85 3.83 17.7 4.57 17 5.73 17 5.73 17 7.61 17 7.61 17 7.61 17 7.93 17 7.93 17 7.93 17 9.37 17 9.37 17 10.01 17 10.79 16.22 10.79 15.59 10.79 15.59 10.79 15.36 10.79 15.36 10.79 14.74 10.02 14 9.37 14 9.37 14 5.49 14 5.49 14 5.2 14 4.96 13.78 4.96 13.5 4.96 13.22 5.2 13 5.49 13 5.49 13 9.37 13 9.37 13 10.6 13 11.85 14.19 11.85 15.36 11.85 15.36 11.85 15.59 11.85 15.59 11.85 16.78 10.6 18 9.37 18ZM 3.23 13.11C 3.23 13.1 3.23 13.1 3.22 13.1 2.23 12.22 0.25 10.22 0.25 8.25 0.25 6.52 1.67 5.09 3.41 5.06 3.41 5.06 3.42 5.06 3.43 5.06 3.43 5.06 3.44 5.06 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0.32 3.03 0.95 3.66 0.95 3.66 4.37 7.08 4.37 7.08 4.44 7.15 4.44 7.27 4.37 7.34 4.37 7.34 0.95 10.76 0.95 10.76 0.32 11.39 0.32 12.41 0.95 13.04 0.95 13.04 0.97 13.06 0.97 13.06 1.6 13.69 2.62 13.69 3.25 13.06 3.25 13.06 6.67 9.64 6.67 9.64 6.74 9.57 6.86 9.57 6.93 9.64 6.93 9.64 10.35 13.06 10.35 13.06 10.98 13.69 12 13.69 12.63 13.06 12.63 13.06 12.65 13.04 12.65 13.04 13.28 12.41 13.28 11.39 12.65 10.76 12.65 10.76 9.23 7.34 9.23 7.34Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-search_close" y="3997.192" width="14" height="14"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-search_font_close" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><title>search_font_close</title><path fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#424F61" d="M12.000,24.000 C5.373,24.000 -0.000,18.627 -0.000,12.000 C-0.000,5.373 5.373,-0.000 12.000,-0.000 C18.627,-0.000 24.000,5.373 24.000,12.000 C24.000,18.627 18.627,24.000 12.000,24.000 ZM15.699,9.740 C16.097,9.343 16.097,8.699 15.699,8.302 L15.684,8.287 C15.286,7.890 14.639,7.890 14.240,8.287 L12.072,10.447 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29.61 18C 29.61 18 11.49 18 11.49 18 9.82 18 8.8 16.66 8.8 15 8.8 15 8.8 12 8.8 12 8.8 12 13.5 12 13.5 12 14.06 12 14.84 11.55 14.84 11 14.84 11 14.84 7 14.84 7 14.84 6.45 14.06 6 13.5 6 13.5 6 8.8 6 8.8 6 8.8 6 8.8 3 8.8 3 8.8 1.34 9.82 0 11.49 0 11.49 0 29.61 0 29.61 0 31.28 0 32.97 1.34 32.97 3 32.97 3 32.97 15 32.97 15 32.97 16.66 31.28 18 29.61 18ZM 3.43 8C 3.43 8 11.49 8 11.49 8 12.04 8 12.49 8.45 12.49 9 12.49 9.55 12.04 10 11.49 10 11.49 10 3.43 10 3.43 10 3.43 10 5.74 12.29 5.74 12.29 6.13 12.68 6.13 13.32 5.74 13.71 5.35 14.1 4.71 14.1 4.31 13.71 4.31 13.71 0.29 9.71 0.29 9.71 0.24 9.66 0.2 9.61 0.16 9.55 0.14 9.53 0.13 9.5 0.12 9.48 0.1 9.45 0.08 9.42 0.07 9.38 0.05 9.35 0.05 9.31 0.04 9.28 0.03 9.25 0.02 9.22 0.01 9.2-0.01 9.07-0.01 8.93 0.01 8.8 0.02 8.78 0.03 8.75 0.04 8.72 0.05 8.69 0.05 8.65 0.07 8.62 0.08 8.58 0.1 8.55 0.12 8.52 0.13 8.5 0.14 8.47 0.16 8.45 0.2 8.39 0.24 8.34 0.29 8.29 0.29 8.29 4.31 4.29 4.31 4.29 4.71 3.9 5.35 3.9 5.74 4.29 5.94 4.49 6.03 4.74 6.03 5 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9.25 32.96 9.28ZM 18.14 7C 18.14 7 18.14 11 18.14 11 18.14 11.55 18.93 12 19.49 12 19.49 12 24.19 12 24.19 12 24.19 12 24.19 15 24.19 15 24.19 16.66 23.17 18 21.5 18 21.5 18 3.36 18 3.36 18 1.69 18-0 16.66-0 15-0 15-0 3-0 3-0 1.34 1.69-0 3.36-0 3.36-0 21.5-0 21.5-0 23.17-0 24.19 1.34 24.19 3 24.19 3 24.19 6 24.19 6 24.19 6 19.49 6 19.49 6 18.93 6 18.14 6.45 18.14 7Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-slide_right" y="4239.946" width="33" height="18"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-slide_up" viewBox="0 0 24 26"><title>slide_up</title><path d="M 20.92 26C 20.92 26 2.92 26 2.92 26 1.26 26 0 25.07 0 23.41 0 23.41 0 11.42 0 11.42 0 9.76 1.26 8 2.92 8 2.92 8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9 13.42 9 13.42 9 13.97 9.37 14 9.92 14 9.92 14 13.92 14 13.92 14 14.47 14 15 13.97 15 13.42 15 13.42 15 8 15 8 15 8 20.92 8 20.92 8 22.58 8 24 9.76 24 11.42 24 11.42 24 23.41 24 23.41 24 25.07 22.58 26 20.92 26ZM 15.21 5.71C 15.21 5.71 12.92 3.42 12.92 3.42 12.92 3.42 12.92 11.42 12.92 11.42 12.92 11.97 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11.39 5.84 10.49 5.92 9.26 6.6 8.02 6.69 7.84 6.92 7.76 7.13 7.83 7.34 7.89 7.46 8.09 7.42 8.28 7.4 8.34 7.07 9.8 8.13 10.01 10.83 10.75 11.36 8.93 11.36 8.19 10.97 7.15 8.69 8.36 8.72 7.38 8.78 5.3 11.37 4.7 12.74 5Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-smear" y="4437.946" width="24" height="21"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound_none" viewBox="0 0 16 18" class="svg-sprite-colorable"><title>sound_none</title><path d="M 13.99 0.54C 13.2-0.07 12.1-0.08 11.31 0.52 11.31 0.52 7.03 3.74 7.03 3.74 6.7 3.71 4.02 3.74 4.02 3.74 1.62 3.99 0.14 6.16-0.03 8.66-0.03 8.66-0.03 9.18-0.03 9.18 0.38 11.73 2.47 13.66 5.03 13.86 5.03 13.86 6.7 13.88 7.03 13.86 7.03 13.86 11.27 16.94 11.27 16.94 11.27 16.94 12.84 17.89 12.84 17.89 13.39 17.9 13.93 17.7 14.34 17.33 15.01 16.7 15.09 15.99 15.06 14.87 15.06 14.87 15.06 3.74 15.06 3.74 15.16 2.66 14.98 1.13 13.99 0.54ZM 1.97 9.08C 1.97 9.08 1.96 8.73 1.96 8.73 2.25 7.18 3.48 5.99 5.03 5.76 5.03 5.76 6.03 5.76 6.03 5.76 6.03 5.76 6.03 11.83 6.03 11.83 6.03 11.83 5.03 11.83 5.03 11.83 3.53 11.66 2.31 10.56 1.97 9.08ZM 13.05 13.86C 13.06 13.9 13.06 13.94 13.05 13.98 13.02 14.51 12.57 14.9 12.05 14.87 12.05 14.87 8.04 11.63 8.04 11.63 8.04 11.63 8.04 5.96 8.04 5.96 8.04 5.96 12.05 2.72 12.05 2.72 12.22 2.66 12.41 2.66 12.58 2.72 12.99 2.87 13.09 3.32 13.05 3.74 13.05 3.74 13.05 13.86 13.05 13.86Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound_none" y="4458.946" width="16" height="18"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound_off" viewBox="0 0 27 18"><title>sound_off</title><path d="M16 15C16.1 15.96 16.04 16.83 15.28 17.43 14.91 17.77 14.37 17.99 13.79 17.99 13.79 17.99 12.37 17.22 12.37 17.22 12.32 17.15 12.26 17.08 12.22 17.05 12.22 17.05 8 14 8 14 7.78 14.05 7.23 14 7 14 7 14 6 14 6 14 3.62 13.96 1.18 11.72.96 9.37.96 9.37.96 8.86.96 8.86 1.13 6.39 2.6 4.25 5 4 5 4 5.5 4.21 5.5 4.21 5.5 4.21 7 4 7 4 7.22 4 7.79 3.94 8 4 8 4 12.26.82 12.26.82 13.32-.03 14.33.51 14.93.84 15.92 1.42 16.1 2.94 16 4 16 4 16 15 16 15zM6 6C4.58 6.17 3.05 7.51 2.94 8.93 2.94 8.93 2.95 9.28 2.95 9.28 3.07 10.53 4.66 11.98 6 12 6 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6zM13 3C13 3 9 6.2 9 6.2 9 6.2 9 11.8 9 11.8 9 11.8 13 15 13 15 14.05 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 14 4 13.97 4.36 14.4 2.67 13 3zM26.7 6.75C26.7 6.75 24.53 8.91 24.53 8.91 24.49 8.96 24.49 9.03 24.53 9.08 24.53 9.08 26.7 11.24 26.7 11.24 27.1 11.64 27.1 12.29 26.7 12.69 26.7 12.69 26.68 12.7 26.68 12.7 26.28 13.1 25.64 13.1 25.24 12.7 25.24 12.7 23.07 10.53 23.07 10.53 23.03 10.49 22.95 10.49 22.91 10.53 22.91 10.53 20.74 12.7 20.74 12.7 20.34 13.1 19.69 13.1 19.3 12.7 19.3 12.7 19.28 12.69 19.28 12.69 18.88 12.29 18.88 11.64 19.28 11.24 19.28 11.24 21.45 9.08 21.45 9.08 21.49 9.03 21.49 8.96 21.45 8.91 21.45 8.91 19.28 6.75 19.28 6.75 18.88 6.35 18.88 5.7 19.28 5.3 19.28 5.3 19.3 5.29 19.3 5.29 19.7 4.89 20.34 4.89 20.74 5.29 20.74 5.29 22.91 7.46 22.91 7.46 22.95 7.5 23.03 7.5 23.07 7.46 23.07 7.46 25.24 5.29 25.24 5.29 25.64 4.89 26.29 4.89 26.68 5.29 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18.02 7.14 18.02 7.13 18.01 7.12 17.84 6.82 17.95 6.44 18.26 6.27 18.28 6.26 18.3 6.25 18.32 6.24 18.62 6.08 19 6.2 19.15 6.5 19.65 7.34 19.91 8.29 19.91 9.26 19.91 10.23 19.65 11.19 19.15 12.02 19.14 12.04 19.13 12.05 19.12 12.07zM16 15C16.1 15.96 16.04 16.83 15.28 17.43 14.91 17.77 14.37 17.99 13.79 17.99 13.79 17.99 12.37 17.22 12.37 17.22 12.32 17.15 12.26 17.08 12.22 17.05 12.22 17.05 8 14 8 14 7.78 14.05 7.23 14 7 14 7 14 6 14 6 14 3.62 13.96 1.18 11.72.96 9.37.96 9.37.96 8.86.96 8.86 1.13 6.39 2.6 4.25 5 4 5 4 5.5 4.21 5.5 4.21 5.5 4.21 7 4 7 4 7.22 4 7.79 3.94 8 4 8 4 12.26.82 12.26.82 13.32-.03 14.33.51 14.93.84 15.92 1.42 16.1 2.94 16 4 16 4 16 15 16 15zM6 6C4.58 6.17 3.05 7.51 2.94 8.93 2.94 8.93 2.95 9.28 2.95 9.28 3.07 10.53 4.66 11.98 6 12 6 12 7 12 7 12 7 12 7 6 7 6 7 6 6 6 6 6zM13 3C13 3 9 6.2 9 6.2 9 6.2 9 11.8 9 11.8 9 11.8 13 15 13 15 14.05 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 4 14 4 13.97 4.36 14.4 2.67 13 3z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound_on" y="4494.946" width="29" height="18"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound-clear" viewBox="0 0 10 13"><title>sound-clear</title><path d="M1706.706 3241a2.714 2.714 0 0 1-2.706-2.705V3232h8v6.295a2.714 2.714 0 0 1-2.705 2.705zm-3-10a.71.71 0 0 1-.707-.707v-.586a.709.709 0 0 1 .707-.707H1706a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h2a1 1 0 0 1 1 1h-.667 2.96a.708.708 0 0 1 .707.707v.586a.709.709 0 0 1-.707.707z" data-name="Shape 2314" transform="translate(-1703 -3228)" style="fill:#424f61"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound-clear" y="4512.946" width="10" height="13"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound-manager-music" viewBox="0 0 14 20"><title>sound-manager-music</title><path d="M 13 10.94C 12.93 11.11 12.86 11.26 12.81 11.38 12.67 11.78 12.28 12.03 11.86 12.03 11.75 12.03 11.63 12.01 11.52 11.97 11 11.79 10.72 11.23 10.9 10.72 10.96 10.57 11.05 10.38 11.15 10.15 11.85 8.61 12.91 6.28 9.27 3.94 9.01 3.76 8.78 3.63 8.57 3.51 8.57 3.51 8.57 12.05 8.57 12.05 8.57 12.05 8.57 12.68 8.57 12.68 8.57 12.68 8.57 15.96 8.57 15.96 8.57 18.05 6.68 19.87 4.52 19.87 2.29 19.87 0.47 18.12 0.47 15.96 0.47 13.8 2.29 12.05 4.52 12.05 4.52 12.05 6.55 12.05 6.55 12.05 6.55 12.05 6.55 1.92 6.55 1.92 6.55 1.85 6.57 1.78 6.59 1.72 6.59 1.69 6.59 1.66 6.6 1.63 6.6 1.62 6.61 1.61 6.61 1.61 6.64 1.52 6.69 1.44 6.75 1.36 6.77 1.33 6.79 1.3 6.81 1.28 6.86 1.22 6.93 1.17 7 1.13 7.04 1.1 7.08 1.07 7.12 1.05 7.18 1.02 7.24 1.01 7.31 0.99 7.37 0.97 7.44 0.96 7.51 0.95 7.52 0.95 7.54 0.94 7.56 0.94 7.61 0.94 7.65 0.96 7.7 0.97 7.75 0.98 7.8 0.97 7.85 0.99 7.94 1.01 8.8 1.28 10.4 2.31 15.45 5.56 13.67 9.47 13 10.94ZM 2.5 15.96C 2.5 17.04 3.4 17.92 4.52 17.92 5.66 17.92 6.55 16.87 6.55 15.96 6.55 15.96 6.55 14 6.55 14 6.55 14 4.52 14 4.52 14 3.4 14 2.5 14.88 2.5 15.96Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound-manager-music" y="4525.946" width="14" height="20"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound-manager-voiceover" viewBox="0 0 17 24"><title>sound-manager-voiceover</title><path d="M 9.96 18.1C 9.96 18.1 9.96 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10.42 4.24Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound-manager-voiceover" y="4545.946" width="17" height="24"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-sound-manager-volume" viewBox="0 0 10 8"><title>sound-manager-volume</title><path d="M 7.9 6.53C 7.8 6.56 7.71 6.58 7.61 6.58 7.3 6.58 7 6.39 6.87 6.09 6.72 5.71 6.92 5.27 7.33 5.12 7.75 4.96 8.02 4.57 8.02 4.14 8.02 3.71 7.74 3.31 7.32 3.16 6.92 3.01 6.71 2.57 6.87 2.18 7.03 1.79 7.49 1.59 7.89 1.75 8.92 2.12 9.61 3.09 9.61 4.14 9.61 5.2 8.94 6.14 7.9 6.53ZM 5.52 8.01C 5.39 8.02 5.25 7.99 5.09 7.9 5.09 7.9 2.31 5.7 2.19 5.59 2.19 5.59 0.67 5.59 0.67 5.59 0.3 5.59 0 5.31 0 4.97 0 4.97 0 3.13 0 3.13 0 2.79 0.3 2.51 0.67 2.51 0.67 2.51 2.19 2.51 2.19 2.51 2.31 2.4 5.09 0.12 5.09 0.12 5.25 0.03 5.39-0 5.52 0.01 5.76 0.03 5.94 0.23 5.99 0.43 5.99 0.45 5.99 7.57 5.99 7.59 5.94 7.79 5.76 7.99 5.52 8.01Z" fill="#6B7784"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound-manager-volume" y="4569.946" width="10" height="8"></use><symbol 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16 8.6 3.19 8.6 3.19 8.6 2.54 9.13 2 9.78 2 9.78 2 17.28 2 17.28 2 17.92 2 18.45 2.54 18.45 3.19 18.45 3.19 18.45 9.68 18.45 9.68 17.8 9.26 17.01 9 16.14 9 13.97 9 12.2 10.57 12.2 12.5 12.2 14.43 13.97 16 16.14 16 18.31 16 20.08 14.43 20.08 12.5 20.08 12.33 20.05 12.16 20.02 12 20.02 12 20.42 12 20.42 12 20.42 12 20.42 3.19 20.42 3.19ZM 4.33 18C 3.26 18 2.36 17.31 2.36 16.5 2.36 15.69 3.26 15 4.33 15 5.39 15 6.3 15.69 6.3 16.5 6.3 17.31 5.39 18 4.33 18ZM 16.14 14C 15.08 14 14.17 13.31 14.17 12.5 14.17 11.69 15.08 11 16.14 11 17.21 11 18.11 11.69 18.11 12.5 18.11 13.31 17.21 14 16.14 14Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-sound" y="4590.962" width="21" height="20"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-specials" viewBox="0 0 33 30" class="svg-sprite-colorable"><title>specials</title><path d="M32.04 15.09C31.82 15.13 31.6 15.11 31.39 15 31.39 15 16.93 7.69 16.93 7.69 16.44 7.44 16.25 6.85 16.5 6.37 16.75 5.89 17.35 5.7 17.84 5.95 17.84 5.95 32.3 13.26 32.3 13.26 32.79 13.51 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13 6 13 6 13 6 13 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15 6 15Z"></path></g><g fill="#FFF"><path d="M 21 24C 21 24 13 24 13 24 12.45 24 12 23.55 12 23 12 23 12 17 12 17 12 16.45 12.45 16 13 16 13 16 21 16 21 16 21.55 16 22 16.45 22 17 22 17 22 23 22 23 22 23.55 21.55 24 21 24ZM 12 13C 12 13 18 13 18 13 18 13 18 15 18 15 18 15 12 15 12 15 12 15 12 13 12 13Z"></path><path d="M 20 22C 20 22 20 18 20 18 20 18 14 18 14 18 14 18 14 22 14 22 14 22 20 22 20 22M 21 24C 21 24 13 24 13 24 12.45 24 12 23.55 12 23 12 23 12 17 12 17 12 16.45 12.45 16 13 16 13 16 21 16 21 16 21.55 16 22 16.45 22 17 22 17 22 23 22 23 22 23.55 21.55 24 21 24 21 24 21 24 21 24ZM 18 15C 18 15 12 15 12 15 12 15 12 13 12 13 12 13 18 13 18 13 18 13 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15 18 15Z"></path></g></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-storyboard" y="4789.962" width="22" height="24"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-support" viewBox="0 0 26 24"><title>support</title><path d="M 8.69 23.76C 8.56 23.76 8.44 23.73 8.31 23.68 7.94 23.53 7.7 23.16 7.7 22.75 7.7 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3 18 3.45 18 4 18 4.55 17.55 5 17 5 17 5 17 5 17 5zM16 2C16 2 4 2 4 2 3.45 2 3 1.55 3 1 3 .45 3.45 0 4 0 4 0 16 0 16 0 16.55 0 17 .45 17 1 17 1.55 16.55 2 16 2 16 2 16 2 16 2z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-templates" y="4991.962" width="20" height="23"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-text" viewBox="0 0 17 18" class="svg-sprite-colorable"><title>text</title><path d="M 0 0C 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 2 0 3 0 3 0 3 0 6 0 6 0 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 7 3 7 3 7 3 7 18 7 18 7 18 10 18 10 18 10 18 10 3 10 3 10 3 14 3 14 3 14 3 14 6 14 6 14 6 17 6 17 6 17 6 17 3 17 3 17 3 17 2 17 2 17 2 17 0 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-text" y="5014.962" width="17" height="18"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-toolbar_zoom_in" viewBox="0 0 24 23"><title>toolbar_zoom_in</title><path d="M 23.67 21.87C 23.67 21.87 22.59 22.96 22.59 22.96 22.59 22.96 15.82 16.2 15.82 16.2 14.22 17.55 12.15 18.37 9.89 18.37 4.81 18.37 0.69 14.25 0.69 9.18 0.69 4.1 4.81-0.01 9.89-0.01 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5.19 17.56 5.19 17.56 5.19 20.56 7.63 23 10.63 23 10.63 23 14.36 23 14.36 23 17.36 23 19.81 20.56 19.81 17.56 19.81 17.56 19.81 14.2 19.81 14.2 19.81 13.76 19.75 13.33 19.64 12.91 19.64 12.91 23.94 10.35 23.94 10.35 23.94 10.35 24.01 10.31 24.01 10.31 24.63 9.85 24.99 9.15 24.99 8.38 24.99 7.61 24.63 6.91 24.01 6.46ZM 18.01 14.2C 18.01 14.2 18.01 17.56 18.01 17.56 18.01 19.56 16.37 21.2 14.36 21.2 14.36 21.2 10.63 21.2 10.63 21.2 8.62 21.2 6.99 19.56 6.99 17.56 6.99 17.56 6.99 14.2 6.99 14.2 6.99 14.1 6.99 13.99 7 13.89 7 13.89 11.14 16.35 11.14 16.35 11.55 16.64 12.02 16.78 12.5 16.78 12.97 16.78 13.44 16.64 13.85 16.35 13.85 16.35 17.99 13.89 17.99 13.89 18 13.99 18.01 14.1 18.01 14.2ZM 22.98 8.83C 22.98 8.83 12.9 14.83 12.9 14.83 12.9 14.83 12.84 14.87 12.84 14.87 12.63 15.02 12.36 15.02 12.16 14.87 12.16 14.87 5.99 11.19 5.99 11.19 5.99 11.19 5.99 11.19 5.99 11.19 5.99 11.19 2.01 8.83 2.01 8.83 1.82 8.68 1.8 8.47 1.8 8.38 1.8 8.3 1.82 8.09 2.01 7.93 2.01 7.93 12.09 1.94 12.09 1.94 12.09 1.94 12.16 1.89 12.16 1.89 12.36 1.75 12.63 1.75 12.84 1.89 12.84 1.89 22.98 7.93 22.98 7.93 23.17 8.09 23.19 8.3 23.19 8.38 23.19 8.47 23.17 8.68 22.98 8.83Z" fill="#414E60"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-tutorial" y="5078.962" width="25" height="23"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-tv_noise" viewBox="0 0 26 25"><title>tv_noise</title><path d="M 22.75 25C 22.75 25 3.25 25 3.25 25 1.46 25 0 23.54 0 21.74 0 21.74 0 9.81 0 9.81 0 8.02 1.46 6.56 3.25 6.56 3.25 6.56 8.09 6.56 8.09 6.56 8.09 6.48 8.11 6.4 8.15 6.32 8.57 5.47 9.19 4.77 9.94 4.26 9.94 4.26 6.66 0.98 6.66 0.98 6.45 0.77 6.45 0.42 6.66 0.21 6.87-0 7.21-0 7.42 0.21 7.42 0.21 10.93 3.72 10.93 3.72 11.57 3.46 12.27 3.31 13 3.31 13.73 3.31 14.43 3.46 15.07 3.72 15.07 3.72 18.58 0.21 18.58 0.21 18.79-0 19.13-0 19.34 0.21 19.55 0.42 19.55 0.77 19.34 0.98 19.34 0.98 16.06 4.26 16.06 4.26 16.81 4.78 17.43 5.47 17.85 6.32 17.89 6.4 17.9 6.48 17.9 6.56 17.9 6.56 22.75 6.56 22.75 6.56 24.54 6.56 26 8.02 26 9.81 26 9.81 26 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23.04 16.78 20.81 14.71 17.46 13.71 12.83 13.72 12.52 13.72 12.27 13.98 12.27 14.3 12.27 14.3 12.27 17.19 12.27 17.19 12.27 17.89 11.86 18.52 11.24 18.8 11.02 18.89 10.78 18.94 10.55 18.94ZM 10.28 2.47C 10.28 2.47 3.12 9.03 3.12 9.03 2.98 9.16 2.96 9.32 2.95 9.41 2.95 9.49 2.97 9.65 3.11 9.78 3.11 9.78 10.28 16.56 10.28 16.56 10.28 16.56 10.28 14.3 10.28 14.3 10.28 12.87 11.42 11.7 12.83 11.7 17.31 11.71 20.73 12.56 23.26 14.38 21.08 10.03 17.22 7.23 12.69 6.79 11.34 6.67 10.28 5.5 10.28 4.13 10.28 4.13 10.28 2.47 10.28 2.47Z" fill="#FFF"></path></symbol><use xlink:href="#svg-icon-undo" y="5146.962" width="26" height="19"></use><symbol id="svg-icon-unlock-with-text" viewBox="0 0 69 16"><title>unlock-with-text</title><g data-name="Group 1"><text transform="translate(18 12)" fill="#424F61" font-size="11" font-family="MullerBold,Muller" letter-spacing=".08em" class="svg-icon-unlock-with-text__keep-original-color"><tspan x="0" y="0">UNLOCK</tspan></text><g data-name="Group 2" 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* Dimension 1 : Membership type
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ga('set', 'dimension1', 'Free Member'); //user id
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ga('set', 'dimension2', 'Free'); // user plan
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'identify': function(id, list_id) {
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data: id
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data: JSON.stringify(data)
type: 'POST',
url: '/usertracking/track/',
data: data_to_send,
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window.powtoon_user_id = 27270884
var ut_data = {
// Required attributes
id: '27270884', // Unique id for the currently signed in user in your application.
email: '1antoinejes@hdsb.ca', // Email of the currently signed in user.
first_name: 'Jesse', // Add any attributes you'd like to use in the email subject or body.
last_name: 'Antoine',
country: 'Canada',
profession: 'Other',
username: '1antoinejes1',
created_at: '2019-12-11T19:52:26.703519+0000',
last_login: '2020-08-24T01:40:48.892616+0000'
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document.getElementById("UISessionManagerScript").onload = function (){
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function showNotification(event, data) {
// default show notification from server
var cont = $('#messages_container');
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var messageBox = '<div class="alert alert-' + (data.class || 'info') + ' span12"><a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a> ' + data.message + '</div>';
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class_name: 'gritter-light'
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window.location.hash = '';
window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {
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function getParamFromUrlQuery(strQuery, param) {
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if (!data.is_email_validation_required && data.signed_up) {
url = '/create-new/';
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url = '/my-powtoons/';
if (data.signed_up) {
url = addUrlParam(url, 'nav', 'signup');
// We only redirect if the url starts with '/', to limit to relative
// urls, and avoid XSS using 'javascript:...' as the next URL.
//replace encoded / - %2f with a single /
if (url.includes('%2f')){
const regex = /%2f/gi;
url.replace(regex, '/');
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// Redirect if Url is relative
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function LogErrorToSentry(msg, tagsObj, extraObj) {
var messageData = {
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tags: tagsObj,
logger: 'flash'
if (extraObj.StackTrace) {
messageData.fingerprint = [window.flashvars.p]
Sentry.captureMessage(msg, messageData);
//This part was added to allow users to send their flash errors logs to customer support team
console.log('##### Technical details for support (Copy this part) #####');
console.log(msg, messageData);
console.log('##### End of Technical details for support (Copy until here) #####');
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i dont remove this comment until we know for sure we didnt created regretion (2 week after deploy to prod)
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