2 months ago in Plain Text
I know everything already and need to know what to do when I join the server or need to contact someone
Just scroll to the very bottom
Geting the Launcher & the modpack
You'll need PolyMC, or PollyMC (I use this one, but PolyMC should be fine as well)
If you're still using MultiMC from the past packs, I don't recommend using it anymore due to bugs, security vulnerabilities, lack of features, and lacking cracked support, and would recommend switching to one of those two launchers.
---Adding the Pack----
>Run the setup as per usual
>Download the modpack if you haven't already, from the OP (Skip this step if you have the pack)
>Click on Add Instance in the top left.
>Click on Import from Zip
>Click on Browse, and then find the modpack in whatever folder you downloaded it to
>Click Ok
Configuring Java
1.20.1 requires JDK (Java Development Kit) 17.0.x (or 18.0-19.0) rather than JRE (Java Runtime Environment) for the older versions. If you don't have this specific version grab it here:
In rare instances if something doesn't seem to work you might need to adjust PATH system variables, however this shouldn't be neccesary for most player.
You can google the instructions for a text/video guide but I'll leave the general procedures in here anyways.
>Right-click the Computer icon on your desktop and select Properties.
>Click Advanced system settings.
>Click Environment variables.
>Under User variables, click New.
>Enter JAVA_HOME as the variable name.
>Enter the path to the JDK as the variable value. For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17
>Click OK.
++++++Optional step for anyone looking to play older versions in their spare time and is having trouble++++++
>Enter the path to the JRE as the variable value. For example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre-1.8
>Click OK
Java Settings
You'll need to configure java settings, whether you choose to do it globally, or for each pack is up to you.
-----If you're configuring globally (All mod packs)------
>Go to settings
>Go to Java
>Change your Maximum memory allocation to anything higher than 1024MB (I recommend 4096 MiB but you can go higher if you wish)
>In the same tab, click on Auto-detect...
>Click on a version that says 17.0.x (You might have 17.0.6 or 17.0.7 it doesn't matter)
>Click OK
>Click Test if you want to ensure it's working
Note: For Java 1 GB = 1024 MiB so don't go up by say 1000 MiB
-----If you're configuring per pack------
>Click on the modpack
>Then click Edit on the side
>Go to Settings
>In the Java Tab you click on Java installation
>Click Auto-Detect...
>Click on a version that says 17.0.x (You might have 17.0.6 or 17.0.7 it doesn't matter)
>Click OK
>Click Test if you want to ensure it's working
>Click on Memory
>Change your Maximum memory allocation to anything higher than 1024MB (I recommend 4096 MiB but you can go higher if you wish)
Note: Again, Java 1 GB = 1024 MiB so don't go up by say 1000 MiB
Logging in with online or offline accounts
------Online/Premium Player section-------
Note about Mojang and Ely.by accounts: They work for now but I'm not entirely sure if they still require the Microsoft authentication key, and Mojang accounts will stop working on September 19th 2023 unless they've been migrated. As for Ely.by accounts, I have no experience with those types of accounts and you may need to figure that part out on your own unfortunately, but the same idea SHOULD apply for linking your account.
------Microsoft account linking-------
You most likely need the Microsoft Authentication key to use your account so grab it below:
If this doesn't work, then search online and or go through the archives to find another authentication key, or just simply use your name in offline mode.
>Go to settings
>Go to APIs
>Go to API Keys
>Copy and paste the key above
>Close (You MAY need to restart your launcher)
>Go to top right with the player icon
>Click on Manage Accounts...
>Add in your online/premium account as you would logging into the regular launcher
***Microsoft Account Section***
>Open up the link and then type the code
>Log into your Microsoft account as you normally would
>PolyMC/PollyMC should now have your account linked
------Offline GODS------
>Go to the player icon in the top right
>Click Manage Accounts...
>Click Add Offline
>Enter your desired Username
Connecting to the Server
The server is in offline mode meaning any username can join, but the server must use a plugin called authme to have passwords per username so that other players can't come in with usernames of players on the server and take shit.
With this in mind, DO NOT USE RAGE OR rage AS A PASSWORD. The password should be something that only (you) would know or could guess, and this also means DO NOT HAVE an easy password that can be guessed by a dumbass.
Remember your password as well, so write it down somewhere if you must.
If you need further help the main admin is BluePoncho
BluePoncho: https://steamcommunity.com/id/1959112/