2 years ago in Plain Text
<title>Ops Bedil 3.0!!</title>
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alert("You Have Been Hacked!!");
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<font color="red" size="7" face="Chicle">IsrahellKoyakAgain!!
<img style="width:50%" src="https://cdn.groupanic.com/db1/80/54260/u/e0/211727/images/orig/01a785860ce37529c69d7759b0a24753.jpeg"></div>
<font color=red>
<b><font face="courier new" size='6'>For Israhell,Due to criminal activities such as murdered,steal properties,using weapon towards civillian,we Malaysian Cyber Army,we will not remain silent,we are coming for the third wave.It could be more bigger than before.You better prepared for Ops Bedil 3.0.#V-19CREW
<font color=white>
<br><font face="courier new" size='6'>Hacked By KuaciBasi@cerahsemak