2 years ago in Plain Text
#do teams that win in the HALF TIME RESULT, win in the FULL TIME RESULT?? Half time result momentum?
epldata <- read.csv("/Users/Neville Munien/Downloads/FullEPL.csv")
epldata <- epldata[c(4, 5, 8, 11)]
#remove matches draw matches
epldata <- subset(epldata, HTR!= "D")
epldata <- subset(epldata, FTR!="D")
# of winnings in HTR how many away won in HT and how many home won in HT
HTRW <- table(epldata$HTR)
#Away winnings in HTR
epldata2 <- subset(epldata,HTR!="H")
#how many aways that won in the HTR also won in FTR
FTRW <- table(epldata2$FTR)
#Table of HTR home winnings
epldata3 <- subset(epldata, HTR!="A")
#how many home winnings continued to win in the second half
FTRWhome <- table(epldata3$FTR)
#How many games did away win in halftime then how many of them won in fulltime
#How many games did home win in halftime then how many of them won in fulltime