3 years ago in JavaScript
// const bfs = (graph, source) => {
// // инициализируем очередь и добавляем source в очередь
// let queue = [{ vertex: source, count: 0 }];
// // помечаем source как посещенную вершину
// let visited = { source: true };
// let tail = 0;
// while (tail < queue.length) {
// let u = queue[tail].vertex;
// let count = queue[tail++].count; // Pop a vertex off the queue.
// console.log("distance from ", source, " to ", u, ": ", count);
// graph[u].forEach((v) => {
// if (!visited[v]) {
// visited[v] = true;
// queue.push({ vertex: v, count: count + 1 });
// }
// });
// }
// };
const graph = {
"1": ["1", "*", "4", "2", "3"],
"2": ["2", "1", "3", "5", "0"],
"3": ["3", "2", "6", "1", "#"],
"4": ["4", "1", "5", "7", "6"],
"5": ["5","2", "6", "8", "4"],
"6": ["6", "3", "5", "9", "4"],
"7": ["7", "4", "8", "*", "9"],
"8": ["8", "5", "9", "0", "7"],
"9": ["9", "8", "6", "#", "7"],
"0": ["0", "*", "8", "#", "2"],
"*": ["*", "7", "0", "9", "1"],
"#": ["#", "0", "9", "3", "*"],
const dictionary = {
"1": { number: "1", clickCounts: 0 },
a: { number: "2", clickCounts: 1 },
b: { number: "2", clickCounts: 2 },
c: { number: "2", clickCounts: 3 },
d: { number: "3", clickCounts: 1 },
e: { number: "3", clickCounts: 2 },
f: { number: "3", clickCounts: 3 },
g: { number: "4", clickCounts: 1 },
h: { number: "4", clickCounts: 2 },
i: { number: "4", clickCounts: 3 },
j: { number: "5", clickCounts: 1 },
k: { number: "5", clickCounts: 2 },
l: { number: "5", clickCounts: 3 },
m: { number: "6", clickCounts: 1 },
n: { number: "6", clickCounts: 2 },
o: { number: "6", clickCounts: 3 },
p: { number: "7", clickCounts: 1 },
q: { number: "7", clickCounts: 2 },
r: { number: "7", clickCounts: 3 },
s: { number: "7", clickCounts: 4 },
t: { number: "8", clickCounts: 1 },
u: { number: "8", clickCounts: 2 },
v: { number: "8", clickCounts: 3 },
w: { number: "9", clickCounts: 1 },
x: { number: "9", clickCounts: 2 },
y: { number: "9", clickCounts: 3 },
z: { number: "9", clickCounts: 4 },
const shortestPath = (graph, source, target) => {
let queue = [source];
let visited = { source: true };
let predecessor = {};
let tail = 0;
while (tail < queue.length) {
let u = queue[tail++];
let newGraph = graph[u];
for (let i = 0; i < newGraph.length; ++i) {
let v = newGraph[i];
if (visited[v]) {
visited[v] = true;
if (v === target) {
let path = [v];
while (u !== source) {
u = predecessor[u];
return path;
predecessor[v] = u;
const mobileRemote = (text) => {
const array = text.split("");
const startButton = "1";
const chooseClick = 1;
return array.reduce((count, item, index) => {
let prevItem = index === 0
? startButton
: array[index-1]
if (item === item.toUpperCase()) {
count = count
+ shortestPath(graph, prevItem, "*").length
+ chooseClick
+ shortestPath(graph, "*", dictionary[item.toLowerCase()].number).length
+ dictionary[item.toLowerCase()].clickCounts
+ chooseClick
} else {
count = count
+ shortestPath(graph, dictionary[prevItem].number, dictionary[item].number).length
+ dictionary[item].clickCounts
+ chooseClick
return count
}, 0);
console.log("mobileRemote", mobileRemote("C"));
console.log("mobileRemote", mobileRemote("yandex"));