<html style="background-color:black;"><!--this is the title for the website--><head><h1 style="color:yellow;"> this is a roblox beaming method</h1><script>function myfunction() {document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML = "The method cost at least $250 and extra feature will cost 130"; }</script><!--this is the background color set for the paragraph--><p style="background-color:green;" id="demo">this beaming method was created by 60bandos and it's on early access so please be patient</p><button type="button" onclick="myfunction()" >update</button></head><h6 style="color:Powderblue;"> All right reserved to 60hunnas beaming machine, see more at <a href="https://www.copyright.gov/title17/" style="color:red;">Visit this for more info</a></h6></html>