5 years ago in PHP
<html><head><title>Notes for class 10</title></head><body bgcolor="lime"><H1><font color="red">NOTES FOR CLASS 10<SUP>th</sup></h1><p><br></font> <font face="monotype corsiva"><p><br>Search your notes here ; <p>
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<font size="4"><b>S</b>tudents , now you are in class 10 . I know you suffer from pressure of board exams. Don't take tension it is easy to gain good marks in board exams. Make proper time table and follow it regularly. Here I provide you notes of some subject like <B>PHYSICS , CHEMISTRY , BIOLOGY </B>AND EVEN ALL <B>FORMULA </B>OF <B>MATHS</B> ALSO.
<p><br>Click the subject of which you want notes ;<p>
<a href="physic.html">Physic</a><p></li><li>
<A href="chemistry.html"> Chemistry </a><p></li><li>
<a href="biology.html">Biology</a><p></li><li>
<A href="maths.html">Maths</a></li></ol>
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