#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; int authorization(string username, string password) { ifstream file("password.txt"); if (!file.is_open()) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return 1; } string s_username, s_password; while (file >> s_username >> s_password) { if (s_username == username && s_password == password) { cout << "Login Successful" << endl; return 0; } } cout << "Invalid credentials" << endl; return 1; } string a_lowercase(string str) { for (char &c : str) { c = tolower(c); } return str; } string a_uppercase(string str) { for (char &c : str) { c = toupper(c); } return str; } void save_record(const string search) { ifstream infile("s_record.txt"); if (!infile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return; } string line; bool found = false; // Open a new file to save the student details ofstream outfile("student_details.txt", ios::out); // Use ios::out to overwrite the file if (!outfile) { cerr << "FAILED TO CREATE OUTPUT FILE" << endl; return; } while (getline(infile, line)) { // Skip header and separator lines if (line.find("STUDENT NAME") != string::npos || line.find("--------") != string::npos) { continue; } stringstream iss(line); string name, matric; int cos1, cos2, mth, gst; float gpa; // Read the entire name (including spaces) up to the tab character size_t tabPos = line.find('\t'); if (tabPos != string::npos) { name = line.substr(0, tabPos); line = line.substr(tabPos + 1); // Remove the name and tab from the line } // Use a new stringstream to parse the rest of the line stringstream rest(line); if (getline(rest, matric, '\t') && (rest >> cos1) && (rest >> cos2) && (rest >> mth) && (rest >> gst) && (rest >> gpa)) { if (search == matric) { found = true; // Print to terminal cout << "\nSTUDENT FOUND: \n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; cout << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; cout << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; cout << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; cout << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; cout << "\n\n\nSaving to file......" << endl; // Write to the new file outfile << "\nSTUDENT FOUND: \n"; outfile << "Name: " << name << endl; outfile << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; outfile << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; outfile << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; outfile << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; outfile << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; outfile << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; outfile << "\n\n\n"; break; // Exit the loop once the student is found } } } if (!found) { cout << "NO AVAILABLE MATRIC NUMBER FOUND\n" << endl; outfile << "NO AVAILABLE MATRIC NUMBER FOUND\n" << endl; } infile.close(); outfile.close(); } void search_record(const string search) { ifstream infile("s_record.txt"); if (!infile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return; } string line; bool found = false; while (getline(infile, line)) { if (line.find("STUDENT NAME") != string::npos || line.find("--------") != string::npos) { continue; } stringstream iss(line); string name, matric; int cos1, cos2, mth, gst; float gpa; // Read the entire name (including spaces) up to the tab character size_t tabPos = line.find('\t'); if (tabPos != string::npos) { name = line.substr(0, tabPos); line = line.substr(tabPos + 1); // Remove the name and tab from the line } // Use a new stringstream to parse the rest of the line stringstream rest(line); if (getline(rest, matric, '\t') && (rest >> cos1) && (rest >> cos2) && (rest >> mth) && (rest >> gst) && (rest >> gpa)) { if (search == matric) { cout << "\nSTUDENT FOUND: \n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; cout << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; cout << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; cout << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; cout << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { cout << "NO AVAILABLE MATRIC NUMBER FOUND\n" << endl; } infile.close(); } void update_record() { string search; cout << "ENTER STUDENT'S MATRIC NUMBER TO UPDATE: "; cin >> search; ifstream infile("s_record.txt"); if (!infile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return; } // we pasted the entire record to a place in memory using vec vector lines; string line; while (getline(infile, line)) { lines.push_back(line); } infile.close(); bool found = false; // Open the file for writing (truncate the file) ofstream outfile("s_record.txt"); if (!outfile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE FOR WRITING" << endl; return; } // Rewrite the file with updated records for (size_t i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { line = lines[i]; // Skip header and separator lines if (line.find("STUDENT NAME") != string::npos || line.find("--------") != string::npos) { outfile << line << endl; continue; } stringstream iss(line); string name, matric; int cos1, cos2, mth, gst; float gpa; //i used AI to learn more on including spaces as i was getting error size_t tabPos = line.find('\t'); if (tabPos != string::npos) { name = line.substr(0, tabPos); line = line.substr(tabPos + 1); // Remove the name and tab from the line } stringstream rest(line); if (getline(rest, matric, '\t') && (rest >> cos1) && (rest >> cos2) && (rest >> mth) && (rest >> gst) && (rest >> gpa)) { if (search == matric) { found = true; cout << "\nSTUDENT FOUND: \n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; cout << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; cout << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; cout << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; cout << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; cout << "\nENTER NEW GRADES:\n"; cout << "COS 201: "; cin >> cos1; cout << "COS 212: "; cin >> cos2; cout << "MATH 231: "; cin >> mth; cout << "GST 201: "; cin >> gst; cout << "GPA: "; cin >> gpa; outfile << name << "\t" << matric << "\t" << cos1 << "\t" << cos2 << "\t" << mth << "\t" << gst << "\t" << gpa << endl; cout << "RECORD UPDATED SUCCESSFULLY!\n"; } else { outfile << name << "\t" << matric << "\t" << cos1 << "\t" << cos2 << "\t" << mth << "\t" << gst << "\t" << gpa << endl; } } } if (!found) { cout << "NO AVAILABLE MATRIC NUMBER FOUND\n" << endl; } outfile.close(); } void display_all() { ifstream infile("s_record.txt"); if (!infile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return; } string line; bool firstLine = true; cout << "\nDISPLAYING ALL STUDENT RECORDS:\n"; cout << "--------------------------------------------\n"; while (getline(infile, line)) { if (line.find("STUDENT NAME") != string::npos || line.find("--------") != string::npos) { if (firstLine) { cout << line << endl; firstLine = false; } continue; } if (line.empty()) { continue; } stringstream iss(line); string name, matric; int cos1, cos2, mth, gst; float gpa; //Borrowed the search function and pasted to search and update size_t tabPos = line.find('\t'); if (tabPos != string::npos) { name = line.substr(0, tabPos); line = line.substr(tabPos + 1); } stringstream rest(line); if (getline(rest, matric, '\t') && (rest >> cos1) && (rest >> cos2) && (rest >> mth) && (rest >> gst) && (rest >> gpa)) { cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; cout << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; cout << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; cout << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; cout << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------------\n"; } } infile.close(); } int main() { int authenticator; string username, password, input; string search; cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl; cout << " PAU RESULT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (GROUP 2!) " << endl; cout << "--------------------------------------------" << endl; while (true) { cout << "\n\nEnter your credentials? (y/n)"; string start; getline(cin, start); if (start == "n" || start == "N") { cout << "Program is coming to an end " << endl; return 0; } else if (start == "y" || start == "Y") { system("cls"); cout << "Lets proceed!\n\n\n"; break; } else { cout << "Please enter a valid input y or n" << endl; } } do { cout << "Enter username : "; getline(cin, username); cout << "Enter password for " << username << ":"; getline(cin, password); authenticator = authorization(username, password); } while (authenticator != 0); if (authenticator == 0) { do { cout << "\tMAIN MENU\nTO SEARCH FOR STUDENTS RESULT ENTER Q\nTO UPDATE A STUDENTS RESULT ENTER U\nTO SAVE A STUDENT RESULT TO A FILE ENTER P\nTO VIEW ALL RESULT ENTER A\nTO EXIT THE PROGRAM ENTER E\nENTER AN OPTION\n"; cin >> input; cin.ignore(); // Clear the newline character left in the input buffer if (input == "p") { cout << "PRINT RESULT FILE" << endl; save_record(search); } else if (input == "q" || input == "Q") { cout << "SEARCH RECORD" << endl; cout << "ENTER STUDENTS MATRIC NUMBER\n"; cin >> search; search_record(search); } else if (input == "a" || input == "A") { display_all(); } else if (input == "u" || input == "U") { update_record(); } else if (input == "e") { break; } } while (input != "e"); return 0; }}