#include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <new> #include <string> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int authorization(string username,string password) { ifstream file("password.txt"); if(!file.is_open()) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; } string s_username,s_password; while(file >> s_username >> s_password) { if(s_username == username && s_password == password) { cout << "Login Succesfull" << endl; return 0; } } cout << "Invalid credentials" << endl; return 1; } string a_lowercase(string str) { for (char &c : str) { c = tolower(c); } return str; } string a_uppercase(string str) { for (char &c : str) { c = toupper(c); } return str; } void save_record() { ofstream outfile("s_record.txt",ios::app); if(!outfile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return ; } outfile.seekp(0,ios::end); if(outfile.tellp() == 0) { outfile << "STUDENT NAME\tMAT NO\tCOS201\tCOS212\tMATH231\tGST201\tGPA\n"; outfile << "----------------------------------------------------------\n"; } string name,matric; int cos1,cos2,mth,gst; float gpa; cout << "\nEnter Student Name\t"; cin.ignore(); getline(cin,name); name = a_uppercase(name); cout << "\nEnter Student's Matric Number\t"; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, matric); cout << "\nGrades\nCOS 201\t"; cin >> cos1; cout << "\nCOS 212\t"; cin >> cos2; cout << "\nMATH231\t"; cin >> mth; cout << "\nGST201\t"; cin >> gst; cout << "\nGPA\t"; cin >> gpa; outfile << name << "\t" << matric << "\t" << cos1 << "\t" << cos2 << "\t" << mth << "\t" << gst << "\t" << gpa << "\t"; outfile.close(); cout << "DATA ENTERED SUCCESSFULLY\n" << endl; } void search_record(string search) { ifstream infile("s_record.txt"); if(!infile) { cerr << "FAILED TO OPEN FILE" << endl; return ; } string line; bool found = false; while(getline(infile,line)) { if(line.find("STUDENT NAME") != string::npos || line.find("--------") != string::npos) { continue; } string name,matric,line; int cos1,cos2,mth,gst; float gpa; stringstream iss(line); getline(iss,name,'\t'); getline(iss,matric,'\t'); iss >> cos1 >> cos2 >> mth >> gst >> gpa; if(search == matric) { cout << "\nSTUDENT FOUND: \n"; cout << "Name: " << name << endl; cout << "Matric Number: " << matric << endl; cout << "COS 201: " << cos1 << endl; cout << "COS 212: " << cos2 << endl; cout << "MATH 231: " << mth << endl; cout << "GST 201: " << gst << endl; cout << "GPA: " << gpa << endl; found = true; break; } } if(!found) { cout << "NO AVAILABLE MATRIC NUMBER FOUND\n" << endl; } infile.close(); } int main() { int begin; int authenticator; string username,password,input; bool valid = false; string search; cout << " PAU RESULT MANAGEMNT SYSTEM " << endl; do { cout << "Do You Want TO Enter Your Credentials ?(1/2)\n"; cin >> begin; if(begin == 1) { do { cout << "Enter username : "; cin >> username; cout << "Enter password for " << username << ":"; cin >> password; authenticator = authorization(username,password); }while(authenticator != 0); if(authenticator == 0) { do { cout << "\tMAIN MENU\nTO SEARCH FOR STUDENTS RESULT ENTER Q\nTO UPDATE A STUDENTS RESULT ENTER U\nTO SAVE A STUDENT RESULT TO A FILE ENTER P\nTO VIEW ALL RESULT ENTER A\nTO EXIT THE PROGRAM ENTER E\nENTER AN OPTION\n"; cin >> input; if(input == "p") { cout << "PRINT RESULT FILE" << endl; save_record(); } else if(input == "q" || input == "Q") { cout << "SEARCH RECORD" << endl; cout << "ENTE STUDENTS MATRIC NUMBER\n"; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, search); search_record(search); } else if(input == "e") { break; } }while(input != "e"); } } else if(begin == 2) { cout << "Program is coming to an end " << endl; } else { cout << "Wrong character entered\nEnter the proper character" << endl; } }while(begin != 2); return 0; }