#banking system class User: def __init__(self,name,gender,age,amountOfMoney): self.name = name self.age = age self.gender = gender self.amountOfMoney = amountOfMoney def showDetails(self): print('Your account name is',self.name , 'You are',self.age, 'years old ') print('You are',self.gender) print('You have £',self.amountOfMoney) def deposit(self): amountToAdd = int(input('Please enter how much money you would like to add')) x = self.amountOfMoney + amountToAdd print('You have £',x) def withdraw(self): amountToWithdraw = int(input('Please enter how much you would like to remove')) x = self.amountOfMoney - amountToWithdraw if x > 0: print('You have withdrawn', amountToWithdraw, 'Your balance is now',self.amountOfMoney) else: print('Not enough money in account') if __name__ == '__main__': uname = User print('What would you like to do: \n' '1. Check account details \n ' '2. Withdraw money from your account \n ' ' ' ' 3. Deposit money into your account\n ') choice = input('Please select a number') if choice == '1': uname.showDetails() elif choice == '2': uname.withdraw() elif choice== '3': uname.deposit()