According to our records, your payment(s) of ${{pendingPayment.totalAmt | number:2}} was unsuccessful. However, your applications and supporting documents related to the transaction(s) were successfully delivered to all the programs you applied to on the date you applied.
\nPlease do one of the following:\n
Note: Applications related to this transaction(s) will be withdrawn from the programs if your balance remains unpaid after 45 days.
\nFor additional information, send us a message or contact the ERAS HelpDesk at (202) 862-6264.
\nThe following criteria must be met to be eligible to participate in SOAP:
\nFor more SOAP information please visit the NRMP website.
\nApplicants who have applied to at least one ACGME-accredited residency program during the ERAS {{dashboardSoapMessage.season}} season can participate in SOAP for free. Applicants who have not applied to at least one ACGME-accredited residency program through ERAS by {{dashboardSoapMessage.soapInfo.soapOpenDt | amDateFormat:\"h a [ET], dddd, MMMM D, YYYY\"}} must pay an ERAS registration fee of $99.
\nDuring SOAP, you will be able to apply to a total of 45 ACGME-accredited Match participating programs (new and re-applies). You will only be allowed to apply to programs you are eligible for. Keep in mind that once you reach the 45 programs maximum you will not be able to apply to any additional programs until SOAP ends. If you do not use all 45 programs allotted within the SOAP timeframe you will lose them.
\nFor more information about using MyERAS during SOAP, please visit the ERAS website.
\nThe following criteria must be met to be eligible to participate in SOAP:
\nFor more SOAP information please visit the NRMP website.
\nSOAP begins {{dashboardSoapMessage.soapInfo.soapOpenDt | amDateFormat:\"dddd, MMMM Do [at] h:mm a\"}} ET and ends {{dashboardSoapMessage.soapInfo.soapCloseDt | amDateFormat:\"dddd, MMMM Do [at] h:mm a\"}} ET.
\nFor more information about using MyERAS during SOAP, please visit the ERAS website.
\nThe following criteria must be met to be eligible to participate in SOAP:
\nFor more SOAP information please visit the NRMP website.
\nSOAP begins {{dashboardSoapMessage.soapInfo.soapOpenDt | amDateFormat:\"dddd, MMMM Do [at] h:mm a\"}} ET and ends {{dashboardSoapMessage.soapInfo.soapCloseDt | amDateFormat:\"dddd, MMMM Do [at] h:mm a\"}} ET.
\nFor more information about using MyERAS during SOAP, please visit the ERAS website.