Augmented Reality

A Whole New Learning Experience

We make Education Immersive with Augmented Reality powered by Computer Vision and a Crowd-Sourced community of AR developers.


At Youngsphere 3D, we leverage the recent advancements in WebXR and Computer Vision to build a Youtube-like Crowdsourced marketplace for Educational Mixed Reality scenarios. A student from India can now have immersive experiential learning on his mobile phone through the XR scenarios developed by an AR developer from Africa. Through this, we are able to improve the experiential learning for students and also make Individual AR Developers from around the globe earn money.

Problem in Tradational learning

Lack of Experiential Learning Books are Primary source of learning. Very few field trips Very few physical Educational toys in School Heavy Costs of HeadSets


At YoungSphere 3D, we make Education Immersive with Augmented Reality powered by Computer Vision and a Crowd-Sourced community of developers.


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